4 质量控制
4.1 可比性
4.2 完整性
4.3 有效性
4 Quality control
The value of cancer registration relies on the data quality.This procedure aims at providing qualified cancer registration data with comparability,completeness,validity,and timeliness.
4.1 Comparability
Comparability is the extent to which coding and classification at a registry,together with the definitions of recording and reporting specific data items,adhere to standardized international guidelines.In the evaluation of the comparability of registration data,the following standards should be identical:the identification for tumor classification and coding,the definition of incidence,the identification of primary cancer and cancer recurrence or metastasis of an existing one,and the criteria of death certification.
4.2 Completeness
The completeness of cancer registry data refers to the extent of all the incident cancers occurring in the population included in the cancer registration database.It is an extremely important attribute of cancer registration data.The methods which provide indication of the completeness include the following:M/I ratio,DCO%,MV%,reporting avenues,stability of incidence rates over time,comparison of incidence rates in different populations,shape of age-specific curves and incidence rates of childhood cancers.The capture-recapture methods are also used to evaluate the completeness of registration data.
4.3 Validity
Validity is defined as the proportion of cases in a dataset with a given characteristic which truly have the attribute.Re-abstracting and re-coding are the principle methods which permit comparisons with respect to specified subsets of cases.Using diagnostic criteria(MV%and DCO%),missing information analysis and internal consistency methods,the validity of the cancer registration information can be verified.
4.4 时效性
4.4 Timeliness
Timeliness relates to the rapidity at which a registry can collect,process and report reliable and complete cancer data.It indicates the time to availability as the interval between date of diagnosis and the date the case was available in the registry for further use.The cancer registries should timely collect and report cancer statistics.NCC China requires the cancer registries should report cancer statistics in 30 months.