3 Basic Requirement
3.0.1 The name of extrusion press shall be expressed as"ⅩⅩⅩMN extrusion press",of which the"ⅩⅩⅩ"refers to nominal extrusion force.
3.0.2 Extrusion presses should be selected based on Table 3.0.2.
Table 3.0.2 Extrusion press series

3.0.3 The extrusion press shall be designed to work under a continuous duty.
3.0.4 The annual effective working time of extrusion press shall not be less than 5000h,and the annual necessary production time shall not be less than 4000h.
3.0.5 The duty ratio of the extrusion press shall not be lower than 80%.
3.0.6 The pipe extrusion engineering should incorporate the construction of glass-pad manufacturing facility which is capable of producing all sizes of glass pads for extrusion press.
3.0.7 The pipe extrusion engineering should also incorporate necessary physical & chemical testing facilities to meet inspection requirements specified in relevant product standards.
3.0.8 The supply,repair and assembly of production tools and dies shall be specified in engineering design.
3.0.9 The capacity of equipment used for machining or repairing special production tools and dies shall be calculated and checked in design in order to satisfy the mill set.