This code was revised from the former national standard GB 50059-92"Design Code for Substation(35kV-110kV)"by East China Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation and interests concerned in response to the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Development and Revision Plan of National Standards for Engineering Construction in 2004(JB〔2004〕67)issued by the former Ministry of Construction of PRC.
This code has been revised based on extensive investigation and research,suggestions and comments from domestic organizations related to design,management,operation and construction,and advanced design philosophy and methods at home and abroad while taken into consideration the actual conditions of electric power construction and engineering design of PRC,and is finalized after review.
This code is organized into eight chapters and three appendixes,including General,Substation Site Selection and Layout,Electrical Systems,Civil Works,Fire Protection,Environmental Protection,Labor Safety and Occupational Health,and Energy Saving.Revisions and supplements were made to the original chapters including Substation Site Selection and Layout,Electrical systems,and Civil Works.Besides,new chapters including Fire Protection,Environmental Protection,Labor Safety and Occupational Health,and Energy Saving were added.
The revisions made to this code mainly include:
——The designation of"substation"is unified;
——Reediting was made to chapters including Electrical Systems and Civil Works;
——Provisions regarding DC systems are supplemented;
——Provisions regarding monitoring and control system are supplemented;
——Provisions regarding dispatch automation are supplemented;
——Provisions regarding water supply and drainage are supplemented;
——A new chapter of Fire Protection is added;
——A new chapter of Environmental Protection is added;
——A new chapter of Labor Safety and Occupational Health is added;
——A new chapterof Energy Saving is added.
The articles in bold in this code are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly.
This code is under the administration of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China who will also be responsible for the interpretation of compulsory provisions.The daily management of this code rests with the Standardization Center of China Electricity Council and specific technical interpretation rests with the East China Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation.During the implementation of this code,the interests concerned are expected to seriously summarize experience and collect relevant information based on project practices and refer any comments and suggestions to East China Electric Power Design Institute(Address:No.409,Wuning Road,Shanghai,200063)for reference in the future revision.
The chief and participating organizations,chief drafting staff and main reviewers of this code are as follows:
Chief Development Organizations:
East China Electric Power Design Institute
Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd
Participating Development Organizations:
MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited
Nanjing Design Institution of China Petrochemical(Group)Corporation
Chief Drafting Staff:
Yu Zheng Wang Xiaojing Tang Hongde Chao Qiong Ye Jun
Wang Longdi Zhu Tao Wang Xiangping Wei Yi Liu Aiqin
Mao Jianqin Huang Ping Wang Zheng Lu Tinglong Zhuang Wenliu
Pu Songfu Shi Xicai
Main reviewers:
Xia Quan Zong Ming Qin Jianxin Li Yihong Zhang Guijuan
Wang Yong Wang Xiaoping Si fuxuan Wang Jingman Sun jingyu