This code is compiled in accordance with Notice on Printing and Issuing the Development and Revision of Industrial Standards in 2007(Document No.1415/2007)issued by the General Office of National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.
This code is worked out in light of the National Standard of The Code for Construction Project Management,covering the management of power construction project,power construction survey,design and commissioning,occupational health and safety management,and environmental management.
Appendix A and Appendix B of this code are informative.
Appendix C of this code is normative.
The code is proposed by China Electricity Council,under the jurisdiction and explanation of China Electric Power Construction Association.
Chief Drafting Organization:
China Electric Power Construction Association.
Participating Drafting Organizations:
Henan Lixin Power Construction Supervision Co.Ltd Guangdong Chuangcheng
Construction Management & Consultation Co.,Ltd Shandong Chengxin Engineering
Consulting & Supervising Co.,Ltd China Power Construction Engineering Consulting
Corporation,Extra High Voltage Transmission and Distribution Construction Company
of China,Northwest Power Construction Supervision Co.Ltd Sichuan Power
Construction Supervision Co.Ltd Jiangsu Xingyuan Power Construction Supervision
Co.Ltd Jiangsu Hongyuan Power Construction Supervision Co.Ltd Heilongjiang Power
Construction Supervision Co.Ltd Beijing Hualian Power Construction Supervision Co.
Ltd Hebei Power Construction Supervision Co.Ltd Guangdong Power Gird Corporation
Electric Power Research Institute,China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding
Corporation and Beijing Hua Yuan Engineering Consulting Corporation.
Chief Drafting Staff:
You Jing Xu Wen Sun Shijie Wang Xinkuan Gao Laixian Liu Wei Li Jun Li
Lianshan Han Ligang Zhu Wei Guo Hao Hu Yongzhao Pei Aigen Yang Qi
Kou Jie Zhou Jie Li Wei Sun Chaofan Lin Tong and Bai Yinggui.
During execution of this code,the relevant opinions and advices can be passed on to the China Electricity Council Standardization Center(Address:No.1,Lane2,BaiguangRoad,Beijing 100761).