3.2 Equipment Foundation
Ⅰ Dominant Items
3.2.1 Equipment foundation strength must be in accordance with requirements of the technical design documents.
Inspection quantity:exhaustive check.
Inspection method:check the foundation handover documents.
3.2.2 Before the equipment is put in place,the layout drawing for central standard plate and elevation benchmark shall be made according to the construction map and the measurement control network,and then the central standard plate and elevation benchmark shall be set and the geodetic control point be measured according to the layout drawing.The permanent central standard plate and elevation benchmark shall be embedded for the main equipment and continuous production line.
Inspection quantity:exhaustive check.
Inspection method:measurement result list check,and visual check.
Ⅱ General Items
3.2.3 The axis location,elevation and size and the anchor bolt location of the equipment foundation shall be in accordance with requirements of the design documents and the stipulations of current national standard GB 50231 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering.
Inspection quantity:exhaustive check.
Inspection method:check the review record.
3.2.4 Oil dirt,gravel,soil,waterand other contaminations on the surface of the equipment foundation and in the holes reserved for anchor bolts shall be removed thoroughly;threads and nuts of buried anchor bolts shall be kept in good condition.
Inspection quantity:exhaustive check.
Inspection method:visual check.