4.5 Furnace Door and Door Driving Mechanism
4.5.1 Site acceptance of the furnace door shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The allowable error of external dimensions of the furnace door shall be±2mm,and the allowable diagonal error shall be±0.5mm/m.
2 The allowable deviation of straightness of the sealing face of the furnace door shall be±0.5mm/m.
Check method:Measuring with taut wire and steel ruler.
Sample size:100%.
3 The ramming of the furnace door lining should be done on the site.
4 After the fabrication of the water cooling furnace door frame is complete,the hydraulic test shall be conducted.The test pressure shall be 1.5 times of the design pressure and be kept for 15 to 20 min.The test result shall be accepted if neither leakage nor deformation is found.
Check method:bulge test.
Sample size:100%.
4.5.2 The allowable errors of field installation of the lift furnace door shall comply with the requirements in Table 4.5.2.
Table 4.5.2 Allowable errors of field installation of lift furnace door

4.5.3 The allowable errors of field installation of the horizontal sliding furnace door shall comply with the requirements in Table 4.5.3.
Table 4.5.3 Errors of field installation of horizontal sliding furnace door

4.5.4 Commissioning of the furnace door shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The furnace door shall move smoothly within the designed travel or angular travel,and the operation travel and operation time shall meet the requirements in the design drawings.
2 The deviation of stop position of the furnace door shall meet the design requirements,and the positioning shall avoid any impact.
3 When the furnace door is closed,the seal condition of it shall be good.
Check method:Field commissioning and making relevant records.
Sample size:100%.