2 Terms
2.0.1 Iron and steel enterprise
Industrial enterprise that exploits,treats and smelts the ferrous metal ores or processes them to metal products.
2.0.2 Design of general layout and transportation
Design work which incorporates correctly selecting the plant site,properly preparing the site,arranging the spatial location of all related facilities,and handling in a systematic manner the material flow,people flow,energy flow and information flow in line with the process requirement,material flow and pertinent project construction standards and in accordance with the geological,natural and environmental conditions of the plant area.
2.0.3 Plant site selection Selecting the plant site which could not only meet the production needs but also bring about the optimal social and economic benefits for the enterprise who is going to build the plant.
2.0.4 General plan
Design for determining the facility configuration of each site as well as the related traffic and energy connections.
2.0.5 General layout
Determining in a rational way the optimal spatial location of buildings,structures and facilities at the site on the basis of the general plan.
2.0.6 Vertical arrangement
Reshaping the natural landform of the site area to make it cater for the requirements of project construction and production.
2.0.7 Integrated arrangement of pipeline
Arranging a proper pipeline network by planning in a unified way the routes and spatial position of all pipelines based on technical requirements of the pipelines and the site conditions.
2.0.8 Vegetation arrangement Arranging in a rational way the vegetation for pollution prevention and landscaping in the light of characteristics of different areas in the enterprise and to the extent that safety is not affected.
2.0.9 Transportation design
Designing the transportation system that agrees with the transportation volume required during the production.
2.0.10 Design of transportation organization
Also called transportation process,it is a kind of design for optimizing all transportation resources in a bid to meet the production process requirement and improve the transportation efficiency.It includes:selection of modes of transportation;vehicle(train)flow calculation and vehicle(train)flow diagram development;transport capacity calculation,and determination of management system,etc.
2.0.11 Industrial site
Various kinds of site for accommodating production facilities,auxiliary facilities,traffic and transportation facilities as well as comprehensive utilization facilities of the construction projects.In case of the mine,major industrial site generally refers to mining or ore dressing area,and in case of iron and steel plant,it generally refers to the plant area.
2.0.12 Dumping site
The place where stripping substances from mining process are dumped,also called waste rock yard.
2.0.13 Stripping substances
The covering rock and soil stripped away during mine production,the ore deposit without exploitation value yet,and the ore losses in the mining process.
2.0.14 Refused ore storage(yard)The place where the refused ore is stored;it is a place to store the ores that have been separated during the benefication operation but cannot be used yet.
2.0.15 Open pit boundary
The boundary confined by bottom side and surrounding edges of the open pit within which the ore can be mined.
2.0.16 Surface subsidence limitation
An area limitation within which cracking or subsidence of the ground surface may occur in a certain space extension above the mine goaf up to the ground surface.
2.0.17 Boundary of blasting dangerous area
The boundary of an area affected by the flying rock,shock wave and seismic wave caused by blasting.
2.0.18 Sanitary protective zone
The zone separting the iron and steel enterprise from other areas(e.g.residential area).
2.0.19 Functional division
Deploying the facilities in the plant by functions and systems to form an interrelated and integrated unit.
2.0.20 Passageway
Areas in the plant which are specially forseen for passing the roads,railways and various pipelines;main trunk road and secondary trunk road for general passage purposes are called main and secondary passageways.
2.0.21 Building and structure
Man-made construction with sheltered space in which people carry out production,living or some other actitivies is called building;man-made construction without sheltered space or in which human activities are seldom carried out is called structure.
2.0.22 Land recovery
The work of treating,recovering and reclaiming the land deteriorated during mine production back to the utilizable status.
2.0.23 Combined arrangement of buildings
Combining several plant buildings of successive processes into one building.
2.0.24 Step type arrangement Designing the site into several planes of different levels in the course of vertical arrangement;connection of the adjacent planes is done by means of natural slope or retaining wall.
2.0.25 Design water level Determining the flood control standard according to the importance of the protected object and working out the max.water level of the said standard which will be used as design water level.The calculation water level is the sum of the design water level and backwater height and wave height.
2.0.26 Waterlogging level
It refers to the level of accumulated water resulted from runoff flowing into the low-lying area or those that cannot be drained out in a timely manner in the storm period.
2.0.27 Construction clearance To guarantee the safety of railway and road transportation,it is required that no buildings,structures and facilities are allowed to intrude into a space of certain width and height surrounding the railway and road.In the railway works,it is called railway construction clearance.In the road works,it is called road construction clearance.Particular construction clearances are also required for railway(road)sections with bridge and tunnel.
2.0.28 Transportation mode
Means of transport for material transportation,e.g.railway,road,water,belt conveyer,etc.
2.0.29 External transportation One transportation operation with loading point or unloading point outside the enterprise,also called transportation outside the plant.
2.0.30 Internal transportation
One transportation operation with both loading point and unloading point inside the enterprise,also called transportation inside the plant.
2.0.31 Coefficient of transportation fluctuation
The ratio of average daily transportation volume in the largest-volume month to the average daily transportation volume over the whole year.
2.0.32 Special materials
Hot metal,red-hot slab/billet,sinter ore,iron and steel slag as well as the materials with such chemical characteristics as being inflammable,explosive and corrosive,which are produced from the iron and steel(including ferrous alloy)production process.
2.0.33 External and internal railway lines
External railway line refers to the railway line from the plant marshalling station of the iron and steel enterprise to the junction station of the national railway network or to the raw material base;internal railway line refers to the railway line purposed for internal transportation of the iron and steel enterprise.Take-over point between the two is the plant marshalling station of the iron and steel enterprise.The plant marshalling station falls into the scope of internal railway station.
2.0.34 Metallurgical wagon track
The railway line on which the metallurgical wagon traveling,parking or various technical operations are performed.
2.0.35 Junction station
The railway station which connects the railway of the iron and steel enterprise with the outside railway network.
2.0.36 Plant marshalling station
The railway station in which receiving,dispatching,assembling and disassembling of the freight wagons entering or leaving the enterprise take place.
2.0.37 Regional marshalling station
The railway station in which receiving,dispatching,assembling,disassembling,reassembling,shunting,collection and delivery of the wagons required by workshop,warehouse and storage yard within a particular region take place,also called internal railway station.
2.0.38 Deploitation transportation
Establishing ore and rock transportation channel from the ground surface to the excavation working face.
2.0.39 Trunk road for(mine)production
The common road leading from the excavation terrace of the mine to the ore unloading point or dumping site.
2.0.40 Branch road for(mine)production
The road connecting the excavation terrace or dumping site with the trunk road or the road from one excavation terrace directly to the ore unloading point or dumping site.
2.0.41 (Mine)linking road
The road connecting with the trunk road and branch road of the open pit and various industrial sites.
2.0.42 Land section of wharf
The section of land used for arranging the wharf handling machinery,warehouse,storage yard,railway,road and for building various auxiliary facilities;it is an integral part of the general plan of the port area.