单词4 项测验题 Questions
( ) 01. (A) 提神
(B) 退休
(C) 呈现
(D) 引用
( ) 02. (A) 百分比
(B) 注册
(C) 改革
(D) 怀孕
( ) 03. (A) 保存
(B) 声望
(C) 拥有物
(D) 修订
( ) 04. (A) 独特的
(B) 精确的
(C) 拒绝
(D) 丰富的
( ) 05. (A) 降落伞
(B) 污染
(C) 参考
(D) 团结
( ) 06. (A) 合伙
(B) 发音
(C) 限制
(D) 规范
( ) 07. (A) 踏板
(B) 敏捷的
(C) 棉被
(D) 路径
( ) 08. (A) 悲观的
(B) 原始的
(C) 相对的
(D) 值得注意的
( ) 09. (A) 说服
(B) 现象
(C) 研究员
(D) 繁荣的
( ) 10. (A) 玛莉是个心理学家。
(B) 乔纳森是个物理学家。
(C) 乔安娜是个钢琴家。
(D) 琳恩是个哲学家。
( ) 11. (A) 爸爸在房间走来走去。
(B) 爸爸反对分担家务。
(C) 爸爸洗澡动作很快。
(D) 爸爸不愿意洗碗。
( ) 12. (A) 这房间充满有毒气体。
(B) 这城市的空气污染越来越严重了。
(C) 这电影充满了感人的情节。
(D) 娱乐室里挤满了人。
( ) 13. (A) 我被他具有说服力的演说给说服了。
(B) 我被医生告知已经怀孕三个月。
(D) 我认为晚婚是现今的一个普遍现象。
( ) 14. (A) 米勒先生因约翰出色的业绩而奖赏他。
(C) 我以教孩子英文为业。
(B) 米勒先生要求约翰修改新产品促销活动的企划书。
(C) 米勒先生赋予约翰早退的特权。
(D) 米勒先生当着其他人的面训斥约翰。
( ) 15. (A) 里基在比赛中锋芒毕露。
(B) 里基下了很大的决心辞掉他的职位。
(C) 里基百分之百地改过自新了。
(D) 里基最终放弃了替他死去的朋友报仇。
01. What recreations does your family do together? (watch DVD / play chess)
02. How often do you have a reunion with your classmates in primary school? (once a year)
03. What are you reluctant to do in your daily life? (go to cram school)
He is the best at what he does. At a young age, Lance Armstrong is many things. He is a remarkable cyclist(自行车选手) with the unparalleled(空前未有的)seven consecutive(连续的)Tour de France titles; a best-selling author; a loving father of four; a cancer survivor and the founder of the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Armstrong began as a triathlete(铁人三项), winning adult competitions from the age of 13. At 16, he became a professional triathlete and became national sprint-course triathlon champion in 1989 and 1990. Creating such a phenomenon in sports, Armstrong had all the prosperity he could wish for. However, just like cycling, the route of life may not always be even and smooth.
At age 25, Armstrong's life had a revolutionary change. He was diagnosed with testicular (睪丸)cancer. The cancer had spread to his lungs, abdomen(腹部) and brain. After he had surgery on his brain tumors(肿瘤), his physician admitted that he had less than a 50 percent survival chance. Nevertheless, Armstrong didn't quake by his condition, and he declared himself not a cancer victim but a cancer survivor. With a combination of physical training, a strong support from the family and positive spirit, Armstrong recovered from his illness and beat the disease.
Armstrong earned his reputation and publicity for the record in history to win the Tour de France, cycling's biggest competition in the world, seven times. However, he says beating cancer is the sweetest victory of all.
In addition to Armstrong's achievements in cycling, he has devoted his life to becoming a world representative for the cancer community. The Livingstrong wristband(手环) is a yellow gel bracelet used as a fund-raising item for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which intends to raise money for cancer research, raise cancer awareness, and encourage people to live life to the fullest.
At the end of the 2005 Tour de France, Armstrong announced retirement from racing, but he decided to return to competitive cycling in 2009 in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden.
01. How did Armstrong recover from cancer?
02. Lance Armstrong created a record in history; what is that?
03. What is the purpose of Lance Armstrong Foundation?
04. Why did Armstrong return to competitive cycling in 2009?