“Oh, go and reserve a table at a restaurant. Call Izzy to join“(去订一个餐厅的座位。叫Izzy也来)
“Okay, I am gonna sleep some more. Don't let anyone come in.”(好的,我在睡一会儿。不要让任何人进来。)
“How's the simulation thing coming along?“(那个我前面不知给你的任务怎么样了?)袁子杰问Izzy。
“I have a few questions for clarification.“(我有一些问题需要你解释清楚。)Izzy从手提包里拿出了一个笔记本。
“One, how will the teams be decided?“(分组怎么决定?)
“Okay, number two, what will the company do once one round of simulation is over.”(第二个问题,公司在一轮模拟结束以后怎么做?)
“The groups will remain the same. Then the teams will reflect and do it again.“(分的组不变,然后分析一下,再来一次。)
“Okay, how many rounds?“(几轮?)
“Five to ten.“(五轮到十轮)
“I am assuming there will be a group monitoring and controlling certain actions.“(我猜测有一组人会看着整个过程,然后控制一些操作。)
“Okay, tomorrow morning I can give you a first draft. What is your schedule like tomorrow?”(好的,明天早上我会给你一个第一稿。你明天计划是什么?)
“We will discuss our future plans tomorrow.“(我们明天聊聊以后的计划。)
“Okay, what time?“(好的,几点?)
“Afternoon. Yeah, by the way, stay in the hotel I am staying in. I will pay for it. It is more convenient.“(下午。对了,住我住的酒店,方便一点。我付钱。)
“Yeah, that's pretty much it.“(嗯,差不多这样。)
“Shoo, no comments. You got a tougne as well.”(滚,没有评价,你也是有舌头的。)
“Yes chef.“(好的,主厨。)
“Wow this is good.”(这个很好吃)Izzy说到,“are you really a chef?“(你真的是主厨?)
“Wow!Do you cook for yourself when you are free?“(你有空的时候给自己做菜吗做菜吗?)
“Fine. Do you need me to take care of that?“(好的。你需要我帮你解决吗?)
袁子杰三下五除二解决了一块牛排,然后就和Nathan聊了起来。“Wanna go to a bar tonight?“(去酒吧吗?)
“Sure, there's an NBA game tonight.“(好的,今晚有NBA比赛)
“Let's get her a room first.“(我们先给她把房间搞定。)
“No need. I have already done it.“(没必要,已经搞定了。)