“Images in Hypermedia Time”, Enter the New Era of Photography
The popularity of smartphones and mobile Internet enables photography to enter daily life and hypermedia time. VR, videos, projection and other technology means as well as contemporary image presentation techniques all have strong hypermedia features. Thanks to new technologies, people enter a new era when everyone can become the producer, disseminator and consumer of images. The boundary-breaking and innovation of media changes the language structure of arts, makes the expression of our ideas and feelings more synchronous with the times and allows for free imagination for the future. The medium of photography expands its carrier, technology and material over diferent times. Such boundary-crossings between traditional and new medium and constraint-breakings of its carriers endow photography with new contemporary, experimental and futuristic natures. Due to changes in image presentation methods, contemporary photography has gone beyond the deinition of speciic media. “Images in Hypermedia Time” has become one of the most accurate key words to describe current state and development trends of photography.
Against such backdrop, the 2nd International Photography Seminar jointly organized by China Photographers Association and Lishui Municipal People汩s Government was held in Lishui to respond to current development trends of image art. Under the theme of“Images in Hypermedia Time”, the Seminar provides a platform for Chinese and foreign photographers to share and exchange ideas. The Seminar invited photography educators,photographic culture scholars, founders of photography magazines, curators, photographers and museum directors from China, the United States, Britain, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Cuba and Lithuania etc. They exchanged views on their respective image research and practice projects under the theme of “Images in Hypermedia Time”, broadening academic horizons and academic thoughts.
This Seminar has obtained the paper authorization from 15 experts, and the Chinese and English versions will be published. It’s hoped that we can, through this platform, efectively promote Chinese photography theories to further integrate with international advanced theories, build a theoretical system of photography that is in line with both China汩s national conditions and international levels, and contribute to the development and progress of the world’s academic photography with concerted eforts.