Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Size: 8.85km
Design Firm: Turenscape
明尼阿波利斯市公园与游憩委员会和公园基金会共同主办了一项设计竞赛。由土人景观领衔并由其他6个设计公司参与合作,提出了沿密西西比河水道8.8km (5.5miles)的滨水带设计方案。场地范围从石拱桥至城市北段,目前这一区域属于“被遗忘”的地区,场地现有土地使用功能包括住宅、工业区、融合多个种群及文化背景的社区、所有权归政府的公园,以及历史街区等。土人团队提议把景观作为生态基础设施和一种综合性的工具来应对生态、社会、经济和文化的挑战,为目前被忽视的场地勾勒了21世纪新型景观和城市肌理的蓝图(经未来数十年才能完成)。

规划区域的现状航拍照片Aerial view of planning sit
In a competition sponsored by the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Minneapolis Parks Foundation, Turenscape teamed with six other firms and developed this proposal for 8.8km (5.5 miles) of waterfront redevelopment along the Mississippi River. The currently neglected site, which spans from the Stone Arch Bridge to the flatlands of the northern city limits, encompasses a variety of land uses from residential to industrial, neighborhoods of demographic and cultural diversity, government owned parks, and historic districts. The team proposed using landscape as ecological infrastructure and an integrative tool to address ecological, social, economic, and cultural challenges, and creating a 21st-century vision (to be implemented over decades) for a new landscape and urban fabric for this now neglected site.
Challenges and Objectives
Since Minneapolis's founding in 1867, the Mississippi River has been the engine of its development. The city and its riverfront have a rich industrial past, starting with lumber mills and then flour mills. Whereas the city's lower riverfront can boast tremendous contemporary success, the upper riverfront is waiting to be rediscovered and redesigned. Challenges facing this area include a diminishing industrial base (loss of mills) and large-scale infrastructure that divides the river from surrounding communities, as well as public parks that are too small for their constituent communities. The design team has identified four primary challenges.
(1) Ecological renewal: what can be done on the upper riverfront and in its surrounding communities to rebuild a healthy natural ecosystem and make best use of a park system for its productive potential? How can the site adapt to the coming effects of global climate change? How can we discover a new aesthetic that reflects and foresees a lifestyle in which cultural and human processes adapt to and mediate the changing natural environment?
(2) Social equity: Most Minneapolis communities of the upper riverfront have very little parkland or other public amenities. This inequity compounds and exacerbates other social challenges. How can this project create a more equitable society in which North Minneapolis becomes as much of a destination for the whole city as its other, wealthier areas?
(3) Vibrant economy: Commercial buildings like factories and warehouses in the upper riverfront include many that present blank walls to the majestic river. How can we foster new better related industries in a resurgent river corridor? How can investments in the river catalyze broader economic activity and attract more businesses of the future?
(4) Cultural identity: The site of Minneapolis was an important gathering spot for native USAns. It subsequently became home to European immigrants and an active base of fur trade, lumber milling, and grain storage. This history should be noted and its remnants preserved in any new development (e.g., the history of logging can be recalled in the use of large logs in park designs; gravel production aggregate piles and large machinery can be incorporated into parks). A new riverside may also contribute to bringing people of diverse classes and ethnicities together.

建设生态基础设施,包括绿道、湿地、农耕用地以及雨洪管理系统。Build ecological infrastructure, including green corridors, wetlands, agricultural fields, and stormwater management.

重建城市与水的关系:将建筑与生态基础设施相融合。Reorient urbanism to the river: Align new buildings with green infrastructure.

Design Strategies
The design team has proposed three strategies to address these challenges.
(1) Build an ecological infrastructure: A strong city park system is rooted in robust and resilient nature. Natural assets were identified to help to design an ecological network that protects and enhances critical natural and cultural processes. These include sustainable transportation, natural storm water management, urban agriculture, corridors for wild flora and fauna, wetlands and other green infrastructures.
(2) Reorient urbanism to the river: As green infrastructure grows, the city can be reoriented toward the river, with schools and housing, jobs and research, art and commerce placed alongside the new ecological infrastructure. Skywalks and linear parks can connect residential centers to the riverside. (3) Curate the vision through time: The city's civic leaders have understood that its land uses and architecture will change, but that its fundamental landscape elements—the river and surrounding topography—will endure. This planning and design scheme explores ideal growth over a fifty-year period, grounded in those essential natural elements, reconnecting people to the river through unobstructed movement paths, creating riverfront horticultural and cultural destinations, building transportation networks to the river, and more.

A system of natural drainage is proposed to manage water of flows. Various natural cleansing systems will be used to treat polluted runoff from surrounding neighborhoods, interstate highway 84, and the inhabited river terraces. Retention space is to be increased in the flood plain, and excavated materials will be deposited in the upper river terraces to create dramatic landforms and overlooks. Wildlife habitat will be interspersed with personal allotment gardens, community-supported agriculture, along with aquiculture and tree nurseries.

The ecological corridors are built to increase habitat biodiversity. The Mississippi is a flyway for migrating birds. A palette of native plants and crops will provide food and shelter for birds, fish, and other wildlife.

Take a strategic conservation approach:"Security Pattern" that offer the most effective ecological protection for the landscape were identified. This was envisioned as a vertical stack of interdependent layers that protect hydrological and biological processes, as well as the cultural heritage. Its network resembles a tree: The river is its truck; branches of green link it to the urban fabric; twigs are the specific sites and features of the neighborhood.



Vision of an ideal river landscape fifty years hence:Cultural uses are proposed:The Mississippi was once a significant recreational resource for Minneapolis, with community destinations like the Gerber Baths at Halls Island and Webber Pool at Shingle Creek. The river will again host opportunities for fishing, boating, swimming, ice skating, sauna, and other water-based experiences.

Years five to ten: Create a riverfront destination with a wetland eco-lab park. This This large park will demonstrate ecological restoration techniques. The wetlands will cleanse water drawn from the Mississippi, as well as surface runoff from the neighborhoods. Islands for wet prairie and riparian habitats for migrating birds and other wildlife will be built from recycled demolition materials and organic material from the soil factory.

Years five to ten: Create a riverfront destination with aggregate art park and amphitheater. Clean water from the wetlands will flow south into this park.

Sinuous canals will allow water play among post-industrial artifacts and aggregate piles between ribbons of prairie. The canals will become circuits for ice skating in the winter. With a great view to downtown, an adjacent amphitheater will host performing arts.

Picture of wetland park (A viewing platform and a network of boardwalks will allow partial access to the wetlands)

Years ten to fifteen: Build transportation infrastructure with a streetcar loop and extensions of the parkways for new industries and new communities to emerge along the upper riverfront. The streetcar loop will extend the city's transit network to catalyze development. A transformed BN bridge will bring the streetcar and pedestrians to both sides of the river. Walkers and bikers will enjoy an uninterrupted parkway network along the river.

The existing BN bridge makes it unattractive to cross the river on foot