TPO 14
salvage logging对于森林和经济有着各种好处。那下文肯定是列举三方面的好处。
SL会清理dead trees,从而为freshtrees的生长make room。
SL在清理dead trees的时候,就等于清理了insect滋生的环境,保证了未来树木的健康。
environmental damage…economic benefits questionable表明作者既不认为SL有助于森林恢复,也不认为其有助于经济发展,这是我们本来就知道会发生的,可以不记。
First,准备听清理死树为树的成长留空间。not…create the right conditions for tree growth,不用记,如我们所预料的。natural…decomposition enriches the soil明显从反面说不清理的好处,暗示清理肯定没这些好处。makes it more suitable for future generation of trees继续说好处。The rapid removal of dead trees can result in soil that lacks the nutrients明显是我们早就知道的内容,就是刚才故事的反面,没有必要记。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:SL并不能真的为新树生长提供更好的条件,因为自然降解的死树会增加土壤营养,帮助新树生长,而SL破坏了这个过程。
Second,准备听虫害的防治。it's true说明让步,有与阅读一致的地方,即rotting wood can increase insect populations。but is this really bad…不用记,但暗示了接下来的策略肯定会说,有insect其实可能是好事。SBB have lived in…forests…without causing major damage,表明insect没那么糟糕。And of course dead trees do not provide habitats only for harmful insects,接下来肯定会说dead trees对好的生物有利。birds and other insects…important contributors…health表明死树其实会带来好处。In the long run,therefore,SL may end up doing more harm明显是废话总结。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:虽然dead tree为害虫提供了沃土,但是SL对森林健康的恢复弊大于利,因为dead tree还为益虫、益鸟提供沃土;而且害虫对森林的坏处本来就不是特别大,比如:beetle和森林和平共处很久了。
And third,准备听林业、就业等经济价值。benefits…small,直接反驳;and don't last very long,再反驳。recovered only by using helicopters…expensive,表明了为什么benefits小,因为代价高昂。Furthermore,jobs…temporary,体现了刚才的don't last long。filled by outsiders with more experience or training than local residents have,表明带来的就业机会跟当地无关。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:SL对经济和就业并没有什么用处。首先,SL代价高昂,需要用直升机,怎么会有经济价值?其次,SL的岗位都是临时工,而且经常照顾外地人,因为本地人没经验。
The reading passage asserts that salvage logging is beneficial for damaged forest and economy. However,all three purported benefits are dismissed in the lecture.
For starters,the lecturer does not believe that salvage logging can provide a more suitable room for the growth of fresh trees. Instead,she claims that the decomposition of dead trees provide soils rich with nutrients that can tremendously benefit the growth of future woods,an advantage that would be gone if the dead trees are cleared away.
Second, while the lecturer concedes that dead trees offer habitats for some harmful insects, she argues that they also provide life space for birds and insects that are crucial for trees. Therefore, she believes that, forest logging can actually be detrimental to the health of forests. From her view, the presence of some harmful insects are not all that devastating: for example, the spruce bark beetles have existed in forests for over a hundred years without doing significant damage.
Last, she does not believe salvage logging is of much help to the local economy. On the one hand, the dead trees can only be retrieved using vehicles like helicopters, making the process extremely expensive; on the other hand, the job of salvage logging is only temporary and is offered mostly to non-local labors because the local people often lack the required expertise.