great houses是用来干什么的,有三个猜测。典型的现象解释,阅读下文肯定是三个解释,来讨论great houses的功能。
ceremony center,证据是pots。
none…is convincing,符合预期,是废话。
First,准备听关于住人的内容。sure,估计是让步;from the outside…look like…apartment,承认从外面看像住人,接下来肯定反驳说内部怎么不像住人的,典型的对比论述形式。but the inside…casts…doubt是废话。If hundreds of people were living…there would have to be many fireplaces,where each family did…cooking,这个虚拟语气的出现直接暗示下文肯定说发现的fireplaces很少或根本没有。but…few fireplaces是废话。In one of the largest houses,there were fireplaces for only around ten families,yet…enough rooms…for more than 100 families,这是例子,表明fireplaces很少,不是很重要。so…couldn't have been residential是废话。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:不是住人的,假如是住人的,理应有很多壁炉,但实际上发现的壁炉很少。
Second,准备听与储存食物有关的内容。store grain maze is unsupported by evidence是废话,不需记录。may sound plausible,表让步,什么都没有说。but…not uncovered many traces of maize or maize containers,这个反驳很直接,就是没发现谷物和谷物容器。If…were used for storage,why isn't there more spilled maize…这个虚拟语气又是废话。Why aren't there more…containers是废话。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:也不是储存玉米的,因为在地上没有发现溅落的玉米痕迹,也没有发现玉米容器。
Third,准备听仪式。ceremonial center isn't well supported either是废话。mound…contains…other materials besides…pots,stuff you wouldn't expect from ceremonies… building materials,sand,stone, even construction tools,发现了很多不属于仪式的东西。suggests…the mound is just a trash heap of construction material,说明其实是垃圾堆。stuff…thrown away or not used up… pots…be regular trash too,left over from the meals of the construction workers,说明pots也只是垃圾。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:也不是仪式场所,因为发现了很多不属于仪式场所的东西,说明这其实是个垃圾堆,包括那些pots其实是工人留下来的垃圾。
The article presents three potential theories regarding the function of the“great houses”,all of which are challenged by the lecturer.
For starters, the lecturer does not consider the main function of the houses to be residential, because although the outside of the houses look like the later apartment buildings, the inside tells a different story. Such a large residential house would require plenty of fireplaces for cooking and yet very few fireplaces were discovered. For example, in the largest house, fireplaces enough for only 10 families were excavated, yet the rooms in the houses were able to support over 100 families.
Second, the lecturer does not believe that the houses were mainly used to store maize either, because archaeological excavations had revealed extremely few traces of maize spilled on the ground as well as very few maize containers.
Last, the ceremonial center hypothesis is challenged as well, because in the mound near Pueblo Alto, more than just the pots were discovered. Materials revealed also include large building materials like sand, stone, and construction tools, which wouldn't belong to a ceremonial center, suggesting that the site was probably just a trash heap. The pots were probably just among things thrown away by construction workers after meals as well.