2.3 Fuel supply system 燃油(气)供给系统

Fig2.8 Fuel system of gasoline engine 汽油机燃油系统

Fig2.9 Pintaux type nozzle 轴针式喷嘴

Fig2.10 Biconical profile 双锥形结构

Fig2.11 Types of injector 喷油器类型

Fig2.12 General arrangement of microjector 微喷油器的通用设计

Fig2.13 Bosch snubber valve 博世减振阀

Fig2.14 Direct injection 直喷装置

Fig2.15 Three types of nozzles 三种喷嘴

Fig2.16 A hydraulic actuator unit increases the oil pressure,which causes the piston to move to the right,and the excess fuel oil is discharged for the engine to start 液压启动单元增加油压使活塞右移排出额外燃油供发动机启动用

Fig2.17 The solenoid-actuated system for resetting the stop so that the fuel rack can move further to provide excess fuel for starting 电磁铁驱动重置燃油挡杆以便燃油齿条进一步移动额外供油用于启动

Fig2.18 The Bosch thermostatically actuated device for terminating cold start fuelling 结束冷启动供油的博世热启动装置

Fig2.19 Block diagram of the Bosch electronic control system and its sensors 博世电控系统及传感器框图

Fig2.20 The combined control,governor and pump unit of the Cummins PT system 集控制、调节器和泵单元于一体的康明斯PT系统

Fig2.21 Minimec governor 微机械调节器

Fig2.22 Main components of the Bosch common rail injection system 博世共轨喷射系统的主要部件

Fig2.23 The electronic control system of unit injection system 单元喷射系统的电控系统

Fig2.24 The simple water separator of sedimenter(it generally has a glass bowl,so that accumulation of water or sediment can be easily observed)简易分水器或沉积器(通常有一个玻璃器皿以便沉积水或沉积物能够易于观察)

Fig2.25 Water droplets agglomerate on the clean side of a filter element and,together with heavy particles of sediment,drop down into the sedimenter below 水滴及沉积颗粒重物聚合在过滤元件的洁净边,掉落在下边的沉积室里

Fig2.26 Fuel system with DPA pump and mechanical governor 带DPA泵和机械调节器的燃油系统

Fig2.27 DPA Pump DPA泵

Fig2.28 The regulating valve is screwed into the top of the transfer pump 调节阀拧入传输泵顶部

Fig2.29 Maximum fuel adjustment device 最大燃油量调节装置

Fig2.30 Diagram of fuel distribution system for latch valve and rotor vent switch valve 闭锁阀和转子开关通风阀的燃油分配系统图解

Fig2.31 In the DPS pump,the maximum fuel delivery is controlled by scroll plates DPS泵的最大燃油输出受到滚盘的控制

Fig2.32 Hydraulic governor 液压调节器

Fig2.33 Boost controller at rest or idling 处于停止或怠速的增压控制器

Fig2.34 Hydraulic excess fuel unit 液压过油单元

Fig2.35 Electronic control system for indirect injection 间接喷射的电子控制系统

Fig2.36 Hydraulic control system 液压控制系统

Fig2.37 Diagram illustrating the DPC distributor type pump system incorporating a boost controller(To the left of and below the transfer pressure regulating valve is a solenoid-actuated low load delivery valve) DPC分电类泵系统(采用了增压控制器传输压力调节阀的左端和下端是电磁铁启动的轻载供油阀)
The key letters under different pressures in the system are as follows 系统不同压力标识字母如下:
A—Atmospheric 大气压;BL—Back leakage 背部泄漏压力;C—Cam box 凸轮箱压力;F—Fuel feed 燃油供给压力;
I—Injection 喷射压力;M+I—Alternately metering and injection 交替的计量和喷射压力;
R—Return to tank 返回油箱压力;T—Transfer pressure 传输压力

Fig2.38 Elevation design of the plunger and control sleeve of the Bosch VE type pump(by the governor,over the fuelling is effected by axial movement of the control sleeve to vary the spill point)调节器对博世分配型泵的柱塞和控制套的提升设计(控制套轴向移动改变溢油点从而影响供油量)

Fig2.39 All-speed version of the Bosch governor for the VE series pumps 博世全速版分配式系列泵调节器

Fig2.40 Arrangement of the ECU and PCU in relation to the pump 电控单元和泵控单元与泵的对应布局

Fig2.41 Arrangement of the Bosch KSB hydraulic cold start injection advance device 博世KSB液压冷启动喷射行进装置

Fig2.42 Elementary carburettor with only a single jet,together with the bottom feed needle valve and its actuation mechanism 单喷嘴化油器及其底部进油针阀和启动机构
1—The throat of the venturi,or choke(air orifice) 文丘里管喉部,即阻风门(进气孔);2—Fuel jet(fuel orifice) 燃油
喷嘴(燃油小孔);3—Float chamber 浮子室;4—Needle valve 针阀;5—Levers translating upward motion of the float to
downward motion of the needle valve,and vice versa 杠杆将浮子的向上运动转换为针阀的向下运动,反之亦然

Fig2.43 A diagrammatic representation of a main and compensating jet system 主喷油和补偿喷油系统图解

Fig2.44 Direct injection 直喷装置

Fig2.45 Principle diagram of the air bleed system 空气混合系统原理图解

Fig2.46 Claudel-Hobson air bleed 克劳德-霍森混气装置

Fig2.47 Solex‘assembly 20’索莱克斯20组件混气装置

Fig2.48 Stromberg air bleed 斯托贝格混气装置

Fig2.49 Zenith air bleed “顶峰”混气装置

Fig2.50 Schematic diagram of the DS electronic control system DS电控系统图解

Fig2.51 Acceleration pump system with,in the scrap view,details of the head of the plunger and its seal 加速泵系统及其拆解图和柱塞、密封放大图

Fig2.52 Cold start enrichment device 冷启动补油装置

Fig2.53 Injector for the Bosch K-Jetronic system 博世K系燃油电喷系统

Fig2.54 In the Lucas-D-Series injector,alternative nozzles,for delivering single,twin or three sprays,can be fitted in the nozzle holder 可以安装在喷嘴座里的具有多种喷嘴(单头、双头和三头)可选的卢卡斯D系列喷油器

Fig2.55 Bosch KE-Jetronic system 博世KE系电喷系统

Fig2.57 Bosch L-Jetronic system 博世L系电喷系统
1—Electronic control unit 电控单元;2—Injection valve 喷射阀;3—Air-flow sensor 空气流传感器;
4—Temperature sensor 温度传感器;5—Thermo-time switch 温度时间开关;6—Start valve 启动阀;
7—Electric pump 电动泵;8—Fuel filter 燃油过滤器;9—Pressure regulator valve 压力调节阀;
10—Auxiliary-air device 空气附属装置;11—Throttle-valve switch 节流阀开关;12—Relay set 延时装置

Fig2.58 Fuel system of the Lucas DPS injection pump 卢卡斯DPS喷油泵燃油系统
1—Pressurising valve 压力阀;2—Fuel tank 燃油箱;3—Throttle shaft 节流轴;4—Sedimenter or water stop 沉积器/积水器;
5—Metering valve 计量阀;6—Shut-off solenoid 截止电磁铁;7—Vent orifice 通风小孔;8—Filter 过滤器;
9—Feed pump(when fitted)or hand primer(when fitted) 输油泵或手动启动注油器;10—Regulating valve 调节阀;
11—Transfer pump 传输泵;12—Hydraulic head and rotor 液压头和转子;13—Latch valve 闭锁阀;
14—Manual idle advance lever 手动怠速调节杆;15—Automatic advance and retard unit 自动行进和阻滞单元;
16—Head locating fitting 头部固定配合;17—Injector 喷油器;18—Rotor vent switch valve 转子通风开关阀;
19—Two-speed mechanical governor and control linkage 两速度机械调节器和控制连接;20—Cam box 凸轮箱;21—Idle shaft 惰轴

Fig2.60 Cross-section of the fuel-pressure regulator 燃油压力调节器剖视图

Fig2.61 A Bosch diagrammatic representation of the pressure regulator for their Motronic injection and ignition control system 博世压力调节器用于协同喷射和点火控制图解

Fig2.62 Bosch pulsation damper for the Motronic system 博世发动机协同管理的脉冲阻尼器

Fig2.63 Bosch fuel pump for delivery at pressures below 1 bar 博世低压(低于1巴)燃油供油泵

Fig2.64 AC fuel pump 交流燃油泵

Fig2.65 Plunger-type fuel injection pump diesel system 柱塞式喷油泵柴油机燃油系统

Fig2.66 Types of injection 喷射类型

Fig2.67 Single point CFI(central fuel injection)unit 单点中心喷油单元

Fig2.68 Single-point injection details 单点喷射详解

Fig2.71 The GM rochester multec single-point injection system GM罗切斯特复合技术单点燃油喷射系统
1—Plug-in calibration software EPROM 插入式校准软件只读存储器;2—Fuel pressure regulator 燃油压力调节器;
3—Injector 燃油喷射器;4—Idle air control valve 怠速空气控制阀;5—Coolant temperature sensor 冷却剂温度传感器;
6—Throttle position sensor 节流阀位置传感器

Fig2.72 GM Rochester multec multi-point injection system GM罗切斯特复合技术多点喷射系统

Fig2.73 The GM Rochester multec single-point injector(it is similar to that of the bosch mono-jetronic)GM罗切斯特复合技术单点燃油喷射器(与博世单点电喷类似)