Nurse: Mr. Li,do you still feel pain?
护士: 李先生,你还是很痛吗?
Patient: Yes,it is still very painful.
病人: 是的,还是很痛。
Nurse: If you hurt too much,you may want to moan loudly which may make you feel better.
护士: 如果你痛得厉害,可以大声地哼几声,这样感觉会好一些。
Patient: Why do I still hurt so much after the operation?
病人: 我刚才已经做了手术,可我怎么还是这么痛?
Nurse: Take it easy,Mr. Li. What the doctor did you today was angiography to check the condition and the location of the venous thrombosis. This is to prepare for the operation later. The doctor also put a flter in your blood vessel to prevent the thrombus from moving to other organs. He did not take out the thrombus. Because the problem is still there that is why you still feel pain. Let me put a pillow under your leg to reduce your pain.
护士: 李先生,不要着急,慢慢来。今天医生只是为你做了一个血管造影检查血管栓塞的部位和情况,为手术做准备。同时还在血管内放了一个滤器防止栓子脱落栓塞其他器官组织,并没有取出栓子。由于根本问题还没有解决,所以还会痛。现在我给你腿下垫一个枕头,这样疼痛会减轻些。
Patient: Miss Wang,why did you put a pillow under my leg? I don’t feel comfortable putting my leg on it.
病人: 王护士,为什么要垫个枕头,我觉得腿搁在上面不舒服。
Nurse: I put the pillow there to raise your leg to promote the blood in your leg to circulate back to your heart. This will reduce the swelling of your leg and make you feel better.
护士: 垫了枕头后腿就抬高了,能促进腿上的血回流到心脏。这样腿肿就会减轻点,腿痛也会随之好一些。
Nurse: Mr. Li,please try not to move the leg for at least eight hours to prevent hemorrhage from the punctured site. You may turn your body after eight hours,but do not get out the bed. You need to remain in bed rest for two weeks. If you get out of the bed and move around,it may cause the thrombus to dislocate or the flter in your blood vessel may also move which is not good for your health. So you should do what I told you.If you feel your chest tighten up,short of breath,or nervousness,you should call me right away.
护士: 李先生,穿刺的腿8小时内不要动,以免穿刺部位出血。8小时后才可以翻身,但还不能下床,要卧床休息两周。下床后血管里的滤器有可能要移位,也可能栓子脱落,对身体是很不利的。所以你要按照我说的去做。如果你感到胸闷、气急、心慌等不适,要马上呼叫我。
Patient: I see. But my back will be aching if I lie in bed and not move for eight hours.
病人: 我知道了。但是我这样8小时躺在床上不动会腰酸背痛很难受的。
Nurse: Don’t worry. I will teach you how to raise your buttocks. You can use your hands to hold the back headboard or the sides of the bed,bow your waist,and then raise your buttocks. Do the exercise every one to two hours. I will massage your coccyx area to help release your muscle tiredness,and to prevent the formation of bedsores. Now let us try it.
护士: 不要紧,我教你一个自我抬臀的方法。你把双手往后抓住床靠背或抓住两边的床沿,腿屈起来一撑一收腰,臀部就抬起来了。你要1~2个小时抬一下。另外,我会定时来为你按摩尾骶部。这样一方面可以解除你的肌肉疲劳,另一方面也可以防止褥疮。现在来试一试。