
Sonnet 20

IN vaine I seeke and sew sew:请求。 to her for grace,

And doe myne humbled hart before her poure:

The whiles her foot she in my necke doth place,

And tread my life downe in the lowly floure floure:地板,地面。.

And yet the lyon, that is lord of powre,

And reigneth ouer euery beast in field:

In his most pride disdeigneth to devoure

The silly lambe that to his might doth yield yield:以前人们认为狮子是高尚的动物。恋人把自己比作傻乎乎的羔羊。.

But she, more cruell and more saluage wylde,

Then either lyon or the lyonesse:

Shames not not:不害臊的。 to be with guiltlesse bloud defylde,

But taketh glorie in her cruelnesse.

Fayrer then fairest, let none euer say,

That ye were blooded in a yeelded pray pray:只有糟糕的捕猎者才会杀死一个已经投降的猎物。.