1.2 翻译示例汇总
1. I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip ...(R. Zacks: “The Date Father Didn’t Keep”)
2. Size don’t matter, chopping wood ...(M. K. Rawlings: “Integrity”)
【解析】原文中说的是不规范的英语(如主语size后面不用doesn’t而用don’t,chopping wood跟主句关系松散),译文也应该仿照原文的说法。
3. There are few human straight walls and fewer human monumental shafts. Such men and women are personalities of great beauty and are so rare that history records their being and holds them up as examples for the future.(Lour Crandall: “Straight Wall Is Hard to Build”)
【解析】译文中将human straight walls和human monumental shafts理解为“像墙一样直立的人”和“像纪念柱一样挺拔的人”,甚好,要避免死译。
4. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.(N. S. Momaday: “The End of My Childhood”)
5. Edward Ferras was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address. He was not handsome, and his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing. He was too diffident to do justice to himself...(J. Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Ch.3, V. Ⅰ)
6. He found them pushing needles, thread, pots, pans, ribbons, yam, scissors and buttons to housewives.(C. Quinn: “The Jeaning of America”)