第6章 资产阶级革命后的英国
6.1 复习笔记
I. Foreign Affairs
II. House of Hanover
III. Parliamentary Politics
IV. Economy
I. Foreign Affairs (外交关系)
1. The slave trade increased after the middle of the 11th century.
2. England first became a sea power in the time of Elizabeth with her victory over the Spanish Armada.
3. England defeated France in the wars in India and America and its colonies were expanded.
1. 11世纪中期,奴隶贸易有所增加。
2. 伊丽莎白时期,英国打败西班牙的无敌舰队,第一次成为海上霸主。
3. 英国在印度和北美连胜法国,殖民地面积不断增加。
II. House of Hanover (汉诺威王朝)
1. The Hanoverian succession established the principle that the monarch reigned by act of Parliament.
2. The official connection between Britain and Germany was also further strengthened.
3. The Hanoverian succession made the real power passed more easily from the crown to Parliament.
1. 汉诺威王朝的连续统治建立了王权由议会控制的原则。
2. 英国和德国的政治联系也不断加强。
3. 汉诺威王朝的连续统治使权利更容易从国王转向议会。
III. Parliamentary Politics (议会)
1. Parliament was controlled by the two political parties: the Whig and the Tory in turn.
2. Parliament was not democratic electorally and political rights were thought of the rights of property owners.
1. 辉格党和托利党开始轮流控制国会。
2. 议会不是由民主选举产生,政治权利由有财产的人控制。
IV. Economy (经济)
The economy further developed. Agriculture was slowly changing, both in organization and in techniques. These were essential conditions for stimulating the Industrial Revolution.
6.2 课后习题详解
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1. How did Britain become the world’s chief colonial power after the Bourgeois Revolution?
Key: Britain strengthened its foreign expansion. First it seized the sea power through the victory over the Spanish Armada. And after the War with Spain and the War with France, Britain signed two treaties with Spain and France—the Treaty of Utrecht and the Treaty of Paris, and got more colonies from the concessions of Spain and France, thus Britain became the chief colonial power.
2. What was the effect of the succession of Hanover?
Key: The succession of Hanover had an important effect on both the foreign and domestic polices of the country. The substitution of Hanover for Stuart implied a completely different set of European connections. The official connection between Britain and Germany was further strengthened by the continued employment of German troops in the British Isles and in British Wars overseas. The Hanoverian succession also marked very distinctly a new era in the working of the British constitution. It established the principle that the monarch reigned by Act of Parliament. During the reign of George I, the cabinet system of government developed, and the Parliament was controlled by the two parties the Whig and the Tory.
3. What was the Parliament like during the first half of the 18th century?
Key: During the first half of the 18th century, political rights were not yet thought of as the rights of individuals but as the rights of property of owners. The representatives to the House of Commons were not elected. In the Parliament, there were a number of sinecures, which were posts distributed to Members of Parliament by statesmen holding ministerial office in return for their support. The Parliament was controlled by the Whig and the Tory.
4. What were consequences of the agricultural revolution?
Key: The adoption of new methods in agriculture and enclosure of land encouraged the development capitalistic farming. England was divided into farms in which progressive methods of agriculture could be practiced. Production increased to such an extent that it was able to supply the industrial cities adequately with raw materials and foodstuffs. As a result there was the appearance of labor reserve, who drifted to cities and towns and had to make a living by selling their labor. Planters and capitalist entrepreneurs stood in need not only of the means of consumption but also of the means of production. These were essential conditions for stimulating the Industrial Revolution.
Exercise 2. Explain the following terms:
1. the Treaty of Utrecht
Key: The treaty was signed in 1723 between Britain and Spain, France. According to the treaty, Spain agreed that England should keep Gibraltar as a navy base to protect her trade. France gave up claims to various part of Canada and handed over Belgium to Austria.
2. the Seven Years’ War
Key: It refers to the war between Britain and France, lasting from 1756 to 1763. The war was carried on mainly in India and America. Through the war England made great gains both in North America and India, and became the world’s chief colonial power.
3. the Treaty of Paris
Key: It was signed in 1763 after the war between England and France. It had four points: First, France ceded Canada and her American possessions east of the Mississippi, with the exception of New Orleans. Second, France gave up four of her West Indian islands, as well as her African possessions. Third, Spain, who had joined the war, ceded Florida to England together with all her possessions east of the Mississippi I. Fourth, France agreed not to fortify her settlements in India and to acknowledge the native princes whom the English had established as puppets. France’s power in India was destroyed and Britain became the world’s chief colonial power.
4. the House of Hanover
Key: It is a British royal house of German origin. It was descended from George Louis, elector of Hanover, who succeeded to the British crown as George I in 1714. During his reign, the cabinet system was established and the monarch was reigned by the Act of Parliament.