Different versions of the 22 chapters of this book have been published as jour-nal articles. These articles in their order of this book can be found in:Green Leaf(Beijing)(10/2009:114-121),Journal of China University of Geoscience(Social Science)(4/2012:52-57),Jiangxi Social Science(8/2012:5-11),International Social Science(Beijing)(2/2013:76-85),Social Sciences in China(3/2016:24-41),Journal of Henan Normal University(4/2017:1-6),Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Social Science)(1/2014:14-21),Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Social Science)(1/2015:32-39),Foreign Theoretical Trends(Beijing)(1/2014:98-105),Chinese Journal of European Studies(Beijing)(6/2009:59-71),Foreign Theoretical Trends(Beijing)(1/2015:98-109),Foreign Theoretical Trends(Beijing)(5/2012:92-99),Jianghai Academic Journal(Nanjing)(1/2008:130-136),Environmental Education(Beijing)(1/2012:62-68),Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Social Science)(4/2012:28-35),CNS(3/2014:45-60)/China's Environmental Rule of Law(Beijing)(2/2012:89-98),Journal of Poy-ang Lake(Nanchang)(2/2011:24-34),Beida Marxism Study(2012:157-175),Marxism and Reality(Beijing)(2/2008:65-75),Marxism and Reality(Beijing)(2/2009:119-124),Shandong Social Science(2/2010:76-82)and Social Science Journal(Shenyang)(4/2012:11-16).I would express my gratitude to the editors of these journals and a number of anonymous referees who read earlier drafts of chapters in the form of journal submissions and provided invaluable criticisms and suggestions for improvements.I also acknowledge the author reuse policy of these publishing houses and thank them for permission to use these articles here in the re-vised form.
Most of the chapter articles originate or result from the research projects I have ;conducted over the past ten years. Therefore, there are many people who deserve acknowledge of appreciation.Of them are Björn Alpermann, John Barry, Josef Baum, Ulrich Brand, Andrew Dobson, John Dryzek, Robyn Eckersley, Martin Hultman, Thomas Heberer, Martin Jänicke, Ronnie Lipschutz, Catriona McKin-non, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Theo Papadopoulos, Lucjan Pawlowski, Dominic Roser, Stuart Rosewarne, Ariel Salleh, Saral Sarkar, Philipp Schepelmann, Miran-da Schreurs, Mark Smith, Brian Tokar, Victor Wallis, Zhihe Wang and Jakub Zajaczkowski.Many thanks must also go to the following scholarships, programmes and research funds which made my research as well as the writing of this book possi-ble.They include Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Beijing Office(as a cooperation partner since 2011),Erasmus Mundus Partnership EMEA Scholarship(2014 at U-niversity of Warsaw),China State Scholarship Fund(2010 at the Australian Nation-al University),Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship(2009 at Free University Berlin),the EU-China European Studies Centre Programme(2007 at University of Bath),and“Shandong Soft-science Research Fund”(2009/2007)and“Shandong Social Science Research Fund”(2008).
Moving from Shandong University to Peking University in early 2009 is demon-strated to be a major turning-point for my academic as well as private life, which is to a large extent beyond my own expectation. During the past years, while enjoying the colorful academic life of national capital, I have to take lot of travels between Ji-nan and Beijing and spend only a shameful time to my family.This book is thus a memoriam for this thinking-rich but living-hard time.
Qingzhi Huan
Yanyuan, Beijing,4 September 2017