Unit 07
大约 大夫 戴 当 当时 刀 导游 到处 到底 倒 道歉 得意
搭配:大约一个小时about an hour;大约的数量an approximate number of
例句:他这次去上海出差,大约要一个星期才能回来。He went on a business trip to Shanghai and would be back in about one week.
李刚大约四点钟的时候去了公司。Li Gang went to the company around four o’clock.
搭配:王大夫Doctor Wang;大夫和护士doctors and nurses;医院的大夫a hospital doctor
例句:我和王大夫是邻居。Doctor Wang lives next to me.
李大夫,32床的病人不舒服,您快去看看吧。Doctor Li,bed No.32felt uncomfortable.Please have a look as soon as possible.
搭配:戴帽子to wear a cap/hat;戴眼镜to put on glasses
例句:因为平时没保护好眼睛,他不得不戴上了眼镜。Not having taken care of his eyes,he has to put on a pair of glasses.
外面太冷了,你还是戴上帽子和手套再出去吧。It is too cold outside.You’d better wear a hat and gloves.
搭配:当代表to be a representative;当领导to become a leader;当面be face to face;当场on the spot
例句:大家都同意选王东当这个代表。All of us agreed to choose Wang Dong as our representative.
这件事你应该当面和李红说。You should talk this matter to Li Hong face to face.
当我回来的时候,爸爸妈妈已经睡了。When I came back,dad and mum had gone to sleep.
例句:我当时非常生气,不过现在已经不生气了。I was angry at that time,but now I am ok.
当时大家都认为他不过是随便说说,谁都没有认真。Everybody thought he was merely talking wildly at that time and nobody took him seriously.
她当时就被气哭了。She cried with anger right at that time.
搭配:一把刀a knife;水果刀a fruit knife
例句:你帮我把桌子上的水果刀拿过来,好吗?Please bring that fruit knife on the table for me,ok?
妈妈今天去超市重新买了一把菜刀。My mother bought one more knife from the supermarket today.
搭配:导游人员a tour guide;导游资格考试a tourist guide qualification exam
例句:小王想去参加这次的导游资格考试。Xiao Wang wants to attend the tourist guide qualification exam this time.
导游工作其实是非常辛苦的。In fact,being a tourist guide is very tiring.
搭配:到处看看to look around;到处参观to visit around
例句:你怎么在这儿坐着?王东在到处找你呢。Why did you sit here?Wang Dong is looking for you everywhere.
小李是第一次来北京,我当然得带着他到处走一走了。Xiao Li came to Beijing for the first time.I do have to show him around.
例句:你说这话到底是什么意思?What on earth does that mean?
他有些生气地说:“你到底去还是不去?”He said angrily:“Do you want to go or not?”
到底有多少人知道这件事情?How many people on earth know this thing?
火星上到底有没有生命?Are there really any lives on the Mar?
搭配:倒车to back a car;倒茶to pour a cup of tea;倒垃圾to litter
例句:你帮我倒杯茶送到经理室,好吗?Please bring a cup of tea to the manager’s room for me.
她这个当姐姐的,倒没有弟弟懂事。As an elder sister,she is not so sensible as her brother though.
你说得倒容易,可做起来并不容易。Easy said than done.
搭配:道歉信a letter of apology;表示道歉to express an apology
例句:他决定明天向王红说明事情的经过,并且向她道歉。He decides to tell the whole thing to Wang Hong and apologize to her.
我为今天的事向你道歉。I apologize for what happened today.
搭配:得意地笑to smile proudly;得意地说to speak proudly;非常得意be very proud;complacent
例句:看你得意的样子,我猜今天的事情一定是成功了。Your proud looking told me that the thing went successfully today.
得到领导的表扬也不要太得意。There is no need to gloat over your teacher’s commend.
A当 B大约 C当时 D刀 E导游 F到处
1.这辆旅游车上除了老师和学生之外,还有两个司机和一位( )。
2.他( )非常生气,站起来就出去了。
3.李红希望一直在学校里( )老师。
4.这次旅游( )花了一万块钱。
5.我( )找我的手机都没找到,原来忘在你这儿了。
6.你怎么买了这么大一把( )?
A到底 B道歉 C得意 D戴 E大夫 F倒
B:已经来了,你看,前面那个( )眼镜的人就是。
8.A:李( ),我女儿现在怎么样?
9.她都已经向你( )了,你就别再生气了。
10.你和他们( )有什么关系?
11.他去( )垃圾了。
12.老师的表扬让我( )了好长一段时间。
1.房间里 衣服 到处 都是___________________________________________________
2.到底 多长时间 你 还要我 等______________________________________________
3.很不错 王红 当 觉得 一名导游__________________________________________
4.这件 小李当时 事情 并不知道______________________________________________
5.你应该 不觉得 道歉吗 你 向她____________________________________________
