Chapter 02 缩读现象
1.going to和want to
通常,在英语口语中,要将going to缩读为gonna [ˈgɒnə], want to缩读为wanna [ˈwɒnə]。
例 I'm gonna do my homework. She wanna be a dancer in the future.
2.系动词am, is, are与前面主语进行缩写时,其读音要缩读。
例 She is = she's [ʃi:z], we are = we're [wɪə]
They're really suitable for us. It's an amazing story!
I'm still lost about my future career.
例 will not = won't [wəʊnt], do not = don't [dəʊnt], could not = couldn't [ˈkʊdnt]。这些缩写词,通常会省略[t]音,或者稍微停顿一下。
I won't be married before I get a job. She doesn't like watching movies with others.
He couldn't understand what Mr. Lee said.
例 could have = could've [ˈkʊdv], should have = should've [ˈʃəʊdv]
I could've done better than before, but I didn't know why things went on like that.
He should've known that Sam would be angry that day.
例 give me = gimme [ˈgɪmɪ], because = 'cause [kəz]
Please give me the electric torch. Because I love you, it is the most important in my life.
Nothing, it's just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. She's afraid she won't be able to attend your class this afternoon though. I'm calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay. Janet said it's due today.(CET-4)
Nothing, it is just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. She is afraid she will not be able to attend your class this afternoon though. I am calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay. Janet said it was due today.(CET-4)