图1 David Goodsell, courtesy of the RCSB PDB "Molecule of the Month"
图2 2010 Photo Researchers, Inc. (all rights reserved)
图3 Frederick Murphy, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC
图4 2010 Photo Researchers, Inc. (all rights reserved)
图5 courtesy of Graham Colm
图6 courtesy of Willie Wilson
图7 courtesy of Dr. Venugopal Nair and Dr. Pippa Hawes, Bioimaging group, Institute for Animal Health.
图8 from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC/ C. Goldsmith, P. Feorino, E. L. Palmer, W. R. McManu
图9 Cynthia Goldsmith, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC/ P. E. Rollin
图10 Cynthia Goldsmith, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC
图11 Frederick Murphy, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC
图12 courtesy of Dr. Didier Raoult, Research Unit in Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases (URMITE)