Lesson plan headings
A personal teaching aim
B possible problems and solutions
C differentiation
D learning outcomes
E previous learning
F assessment evidence
G resources needed
H procedure
Sections of a vocabulary lesson plan
14 1. Show pictures of my family. Ask: Who are they?
2. Elicit pupils' ideas.
3. Say: They're my family!
15 Pictures on PPT of my extended family, flash cards for presenting new vocabulary, one set of pictures per pair for controlled practice. (Pupils asked to bring photos of their families in previous lesson.)
16 Reduce Teacher Talk Time. Demonstrate rather than explain.
17 1. Pupils confuse the meaning of different family members of similar age, e.g. father and uncle.
2. Pupils have trouble saying the sentences with natural stress and rhythm.
1. Draw a family tree as well as using pictures.
2. Model and drill the sentences, beating the stress.
18 During the free practice students can describe members of their extended family.
19 Pupils will be able to:
·name members of an extended family
·describe people in their extended family using the sentence frame He's/She's my…
20 Pupils know:
·names for people in their immediate family
·he/she and is
For questions 21 – 27, match the teachers' problems with the ways of adapting materials listed A – H.
Mark the correct letter (A – H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.