
1.4 [4] 景公饮酒七日不纳弦章之言晏子谏






1.4 [4] DUKE JING DRANK W INE FOR SEVEN DAYS AND PAID NO ATTENTION TO XIANZHANG’SAn unidentified figure. The JS,12/1,lists several sources such as the Han Feizi,Shuoyuan 说苑 and Lüshi chunqiu 吕氏春秋,in w hich X ianzhang is named Xianshang 弦商. According to the last item of the YZCQ (Item 8.18A [215]),Xianzhang 弦章 carried out Yanzi’s moral heritage after Yanzi’s death. WORDS. YANZI REMONSTRATED.

Duke Jing drank w ine nonstop for seven days and seven nights. Xianzhang remonstrated with him,saying: “My Lord,you have now been drinking w ine for seven days and seven nights. I im plore you,m y Lord,to refrain from drinking. If you do not,I request permission to comm it suicide.”

Yanzi entered the room for an audience and the Duke said to him: “Zhang remonstrated w ith me and said that I should refrain from drinking or else he would request permission to commit suicide. If I accept his words,a minister would be exercising control; if I do not accept his words,then I w ill appear to relish his death.”

Yanzi said: “How lucky Zhang has been to interact w ith you,my Lord. Had he interacted w ith Jie and Zhou,he would have been long dead.”

At that,the Duke refrain from drinking.


[1]An unidentified figure. The JS,12/1,lists several sources such as the Han Feizi,Shuoyuan 说苑 and Lüshi chunqiu 吕氏春秋,in w hich X ianzhang is named Xianshang 弦商. According to the last item of the YZCQ (Item 8.18A [215]),Xianzhang 弦章 carried out Yanzi’s moral heritage after Yanzi’s death.