1.16 [16] 景公贪长有国之乐晏子谏
Duke Jing was looking at the view from the bank of the Zi River[1] while he was standing idly w ith Yanzi. The Duke heaved a sigh and said: “Oh,if my state could be protected for a long time and then be passed on to my descendants,would that not be a joy?”
Yanzi answered: “I have heard that the enlightened kings did not ascend the throne w ithout a reason,and the people did not come to them in vain. But now for a long time you,my Lord,have played havoc w ith the state through your government and by your conduct you have abandoned the people; yet you say[2] you w ish to protect the state—is this not difficult? I have heard that he who can protect his state over an extended period is the one who can do good his entire life. Moreover,the regional prince who is able to persist in doing good his entire life becomes the superior among his peers. When officers study together,he who does good his entire life becomes their master. In the past,when our former ruler Duke Huan first employed the worthy and praised the virtuous,even a doomed state m ight have maintained its existence by relying on him,and an endangered state might have been made safe by looking up to him. For that reason,the people rejoiced at his way of governing,and the entire world highly esteemed his virtue. He traveled to distant places in his campaigns against the violent,and those who labored for him did not complain. He had sway over the entire country between the seas and induced the regional princes to pay court to the Son of Heaven,[3] and they did not complain. During that period,our mighty ruler’s virtuous conduct could not have been surpassed. In his final days,however,when the state declined,he neglected virtue and was overcome by pleasure. He became besotted w ith women,and he plotted matters with Shu Diao.[4] For this reason,the people suffered from his government and the entire world condemned his conduct. Therefore,when he died in the Hu Palace,the burial ceremonies were not performed; even when worms crept out of his corpse,he was still not put into a coffin.[5] During that period,even Jie and Zhou could not have come to a worse end. As it says in the Odes:
A ll are good at first;
But only few succeed to the last.[6]
He who is not able to do good through the end of his days is one who cannot successfully fulfill his role as ruler. But now you,my Lord,rule the people as if they were an enemy; at the sight of someone good,you seem as if you want to escape the heat; you play havoc w ith the government and you endanger the worthy; you are bound to act contrary to the multitude; you make unrestrained demands on the people and cruelly punish your subjects. I am afraid you w ill personally suffer the consequences. I am already old and cannot be expected to continue in my service to you,my Lord,much longer. Unless you are able to radically change your conduct,I w ill maintain my moral integrity until I die—that and nothing more.”
[1]River Zi 淄 appears on the historical maps of the Chunqiu period. It is located in present Shandong province near M ount Tai 泰山.
[2]Retain 声 (SBCK,I,19a3).
[3]Tianzi 天子—“Son of Heaven,” from the Zhou dynasty on,a standard designation to the supreme sovereign of China. The Son of Heaven was traditionally regarded the mediator between Heaven and the human world and the capital from which he ruled was an axis mundi,a pivot about which the four quarters revolved. For a detailed discussion of the title of “The Son of Heaven,” see “Son of Heaven: Shamanic Kingship,” and “Son of Heaven: Kingship as Cosmic Paradigm” in Julia Jing,ibid,1-66.
[4]Shu Diao 竖刁 w as a member of an infamous group of officials who served Duke Huan in his final days. He emasculated himself in order to take charge of the Duke’s harem. See Guanzi,11.2/86/1.
[5]See Guanzi,10.1/76/1.