23 这里为什么要用are而不用is?
问:现有一个问题请教。在《汉英翻译教程》(吕瑞昌、喻云根、张复星等编著)中有这样一段话:“多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。”它的英译:So many deeds cry out to be done,/ And always urgently; /The world rolls on Time presses./ Ten thousand years are too long, /Seize the day, Seize the hour!我不明白Ten thousand years are too long中,为什么用are,而不用is?其根据是什么?
(1)Fifteen minutes seems a long time for one who waits.
(2)A hundred miles is a long distance.
(3)A hundred and thirty dollars is a reasonable price.
(4)Five grammas is a light weight.
(5)Every day more than four hours are slavishly wasted on commuting between our home and factory.
(6)Last year 140,000 yuan were raised for the project.
(7)The fifty miles was(were)covered by the winner in 14 hours,14 minutes and 45 seconds.