1.1.2 结构与逻辑
在听懂讲座的中心后,下一步就要听懂全文的结构和逻辑。讲座所选取的文章一般具有很强的线性结构性,一般为经典的主题句 +分论点 +论据形式:
—Opening (general / traditional concept)
—Thesis Statement/Definition
·Supporting Idea A/Classification 1
—Examples 1/2/3/4/5…
·Supporting Idea B/Classification 2
—Examples 1/2/3/4/5…
·Supporting Idea C/Classification 3
—Examples 1/2/3/4/5…
—Brief Review of the Lecture
a. 顺序及列举
first, second, third….
first of all, the second point, thirdly…
b. 例证
for example, take…as an example
c. 转折
however, although, but
d. 原因结果
because, so, therefore, as a result
e. 归纳总结
in conclusion
f. 对比及比较
in comparison, by contrast, is different from
g. 解释与说明
that is to say, that is
First, go to the library and read other works by the same author. Second, get to know something about what sort of meanings seem to be common in literary works in that particular tradition and at that time. In other words, we need to find out what the literary trends were in those days. And last, get to know what were the cultural values and symbols of the time. I guess you can understand the author's meaning much more clearly after you do the related background research.
第一遍注意听:First, Second, In other words, And last.
1st 1library, read works by the same author
2nd meanings, common, in that particular tradition and at that time (in other words) literary trends
3rd cultural values and symbols of the time
Thirdly, art can reflect a culture's religious beliefs. For hundreds of years in Europe, religious art was almost the only type of art that existed. Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that showed people and stories from the Bible. By contrast, one of the main characteristics of the art in the Mid-East was and still is its absence of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that these images are unholy. Thus, on palaces, mosques and other buildings, Islamic artists have created unique decoration of great beauty with images of flowers and geometric forms, for example, circles, squares and triangles. The same is true of other places, like Africa and the Pacific islands. Art also reflects the religious beliefs of traditional cultures in these places. As a matter of fact, religion is the purpose for this art and is, therefore, absolutely essential to it. Traditional art in Africa and the Pacific Islands is different from Christian art. Christian art influences people's religious feelings towards God. But the goal of traditional art in Africa and the Pacific islands is the influence of spiritual power, that is gods to enter people's lives. Each tribe or village there has special ceremonies with songs and dances to make sure that crops, animals and people are healthy and in increasing number. The dancers in the ceremonies wear masks, headdresses and costumes that they believe are necessary to influence gods. So these masks and headdresses themselves are a very part of the art.
第一遍注意听:Thirdly, For hundreds of years in Europe, By contrast, Thus, also, for example, As a matter of fact, therefore, is different from, But, So
Ⅲ. Art:reflect a culture's religious beliefs
e.g. (For hundreds of years) Europe: religious art—only type existed religious buildings (churches): people & stories from Bible
(By contrast) Middle-East: absence of human and animal images
(Islamic: unholy)
(Thus) unique decoration: flowers, geometric forms
((for example) circles, squares, triangles)
(Also) Africa & the Pacific islands: religious beliefs of traditional cultures
(As a matter of fact) religion=purpose of arts
(therefore) essential (different): —Christian art: influences peoples religious feelings towards God
(but) —A&P: influence of spiritual power, gods to enter people's lives
e.g. songs, dances=animals & people healthy and increasing
dancers: masks, headdresses & costumes—to influence gods—
(So) are a very part of the art