董直庆 刘备[2]
关键词:生产要素 经济结构 经济制度 区制转移
中图分类号:F224.0 文献标识码:A
Category Factor Contribution and China's Economic Growth Power Retest
Dong Zhiqing Liu Bei
Abstract:At present,China's economy is entering the new normal,and the risk of entering the middle-income trap may exist when the economic structural slow down.Therefore,it is necessary to examine the factors and structural contribution and the efficiency of economic growth.Based on this,this paper investigates the dynamic mechanism of China's economic growth from different dimensions,and characterizes the efficiency of economic growth with the total factor productivity,and measures the economic efficiency dynamic mechanism of structure and institutional factors under different regional systems by combining the markov system transfer vector autoregressive model.The results showed:Factors of production have always been the main driving force of China's economic growth.Different economic structures have different effects on economic growth,and the government,rather than the market,has obvious characteristics of economic growth.The effects of different types of factors on economic growth in different periods are obviously different,especially the positive promoting effect of technological progress and the marketization effect.The economic system of the same level shows the characteristics of the two-region system.The probability of maintaining the economy in the “low growth region system” and “high growth region system” is roughly the same,while the influence of different types of elements and structures on the efficiency of economic is also different.These results indicate that China's economic growth has cyclical and phasic characteristics.
Keywords:Production Factors Economic Structure Economic System Regional System Transfer