第五类 影视

01 Are movies and TV harmful or beneficial? Why?

1.1 有益
1.1.1 使学习更有趣
TV can help kids learn about a variety of subjects. There is always a TV show or movie that explores subjects which kids enjoy in detail. In this way, kids are able to see how fun learning can be and establish a habit of finding out more when things interest them. When I was in primary school, biology was my least favorite subject. It was torture for me to memorize the features of those weird animals. However, once I watched a documentary, introducing how the morpho butterfly
confuses the predator and gets away by using coloration. I was surprised by those natural wonders, and I began falling in love with those amazing insects.
1.1.2 树立榜样
Good role models and examples on TV and movies can positively influence kids. When kids watch their favorite characters doing good things, they will start imitating. For example, many movie/TV stars go out and plant trees with the community, or go to other countries to help the children with schools, and help people with housing. Their behaviors will inspire kids to help out when they can. And some celebrities are good influences too. My favorite singer is Adele Adkins
. She is absolutely my idol. Her songs are inspirational
. She conveys positive messages like you should always be who you are, and you are born beautiful. She encourages many fans like me to stay strong and true to ourselves.
1.2 有害
1.2.1 造成肥胖
Children are more likely to be overweight if they spend too much time watching TV. For example, I can sit on my couch watching TV for hours without moving. While I am watching, I always snack on all kinds of junk food like popcorn, fries, or fried chicken. When the TV program is interesting, I eat. When it isn't, I eat even more as it is boring and I have nothing else to kill time
. Sometimes, I can't even remember how much I ate when I get hooked
on TV shows. Eventually, I put on a lot of weight without even realizing it.
1.2.2 暴力对孩子有消极影响
TV and movies expose children to negative influences, and cause negative behavior. TV shows and commercials often show violence, alcohol, drug use and sex in a positive light. TV and movies form early impressions on what children see, and these early impressions determine how children see the world and, affect their grown-up behavior. For example, they are taught by TV that violence is the way to resolve conflict as they always see a TV or a movie hero beat up a bad guy to subdue
him. So, when they are facing conflict next time, they will start throwing punches without even thinking about it.
1.2.3 占用学习、社交时间
TV and movie viewing takes away the time that children need to develop important skills like language, creativity, motion, and social skills. These skills are developed in kids' early ages and are very critical. For example, when I was a kid, my language skills didn't improve by passively listening to TV. They were developed by interacting with people, when talking and listening are used in the context of real life. School kids who watch too much TV and movies also tend to work less on their homework. When they keep watching TV till midnight, they become less alert during the day, which results in poor school performance.
02 What are the categories for movies and TV?
drama, comedy, sci-fi, thriller, horror, romance, sitcom, news, talk show, talent show, reality, documentary, war, disaster,sports
03 What kind of movies and TV do you like/hate the most and why?

3.1 喜欢的节目类型
3.1.1 喜剧类节目
I still remember the last time I laughed my heart out while watching Friends. My favorite character in this show is Joey Tribbiani
. He is so funny. Thanks to him, a classic chat-up line was born.“How you doing” is the best line to try when you aren't sure if someone fancies you, because if you get rejected you can always play it off as a solid Joey impression. And I believe everyone needs a little bit of laughter at some point in their lives. When things in my life wear me out and break me down, I always watch Friends. As soon as I start watching, I can forget all the uneasiness and troubles in real life.
3.1.2 运动类节目
It is unpredictable. With a movie or TV show, I generally have a pretty good idea what the ending is going to look like. With sports, I never know the outcome, which forces me to sit tightly and wait for the crucial moment of the game. For example, when Cleveland Cavaliers were down by 1-3 in the NBA finals last year, everybody believed they would lose. However, LeBron James
delivered one of his mightiest
all-around performances and the Cleveland Cavaliers completed the greatest comeback in NBA Finals history and beat the Golden State
in game 7. It was the first time for a team to rally from
a 3-1 deficit
to win the best-of-seven-series. That's why I love watching sports. You never know what will happen next.
3.1.3 访谈节目
I love watching talk shows. It's a great way to learn English, to relax and to keep up with news. My favorite talk show currently is Last Week Tonight, hosted by John Oliver, a funny British man who lives and works in America. I love his accent and his brilliant mind. The boring news are made super funny through his smart remarks, and he loves making fun of Donald Trump, which is also a thing that I look forward to after a long day at school/work.
3.2 讨厌的节目类型
3.2.1 恐怖片
Horror movies are scary. I don't like the feeling of being scared. I am very sensitive to frightful images. I have nightmares after I watch a horror movie. I still remember the first time I saw Silent Hill
. There are some creepy creatures in the movie and when the lights go off, it's pretty chilling. After I finished watching it, I imagined that someone else was standing beside my bed when I was trying to sleep. And because of this, I couldn't sleep well for a week. Besides, it is not interesting. Most of the horror movies lack story-telling
. I can not understand why everything was fine at the moment, and the next minute, bodies were suddenly being torn apart
3.2.2 新闻
I hate watching news. I guess my hatred for it started when we were forced to watch CCTV news ever since we were in 5th grade. Everyday back then, at 7:00 p. m. , our class teacher would march to the TV and turn it on, forcing us to sit up straight and watch it for a whole half hour, without the free movement. The broadcast of the hosts is just so boring that I always fall asleep after trying to listen to it for a minute.
3.2.3 爱情片
I hate romance movies. It's not that I don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. I just cannot stand the slow pace of such movies. I prefer faster-paced movies such as Transformers Series. The actors and actresses are not only handsome, but the progression of their relationship is way faster than that in romance movies. I mean, in action movies, the hero can always kiss his love after saving her from the bad guy. But in romance movies, they have to break up like 4-5 times before he can really kiss her.
04 Where is your favorite location for movies and TVs?

4.1 电影院
4.1.1 气氛好
I love the atmosphere in a theater when the lights go out and everyone is quieting down. Nothing beats sitting in a theater with my friends munching
on popcorn and sipping my favorite smoothie while I watch my favorite actors battling with aliens on a huge screen. I feel I could transport to a world away from reality, and I enjoy every moment of it. After I walk out of the theater doors, I loosen up
and realize that I had, even for just a few hours, forgotten about the troubles of day-to-day life.
4.1.2 总被人打扰
I won't go to the theater if the audience is not respectful. Nothing ruins a movie other than people talking or kicking your seat. Some people just don't know how to behave themselves in public. In almost every movie theater that I have been to, there must be a guy using his cell phone to take photos while the flash is on or some other guy talking on the phone loudly like they are doing a-million-dollar business deal when the movie has already started. Some people might argue that many people would answer with a whisper, which would not cause too much trouble to those around him. However, no matter how softly he“thinks” he is whispering, it's not softly enough. You can hear every word he is saying even though it is supposed to be a private conversation. It really gets on my nerves and I feel like I could punch a punching bag at that time.
4.2 学校宿舍
4.2.1 放松
It's the way that college life should be. When I am back from the library after doing assignments all day, nothing beats lying on the bed and watching TV with my roommates. It is a good way to loosen up. We talk about how we hate or love the character, predict the next scene, adore how handsome the actor is or admit the actress is our crush. When there is a major sports event like the Super Bowl or NBA finals
, students can gather and watch together. That's a feeling you will remember for your whole life.
4.2.2 因意见不同而争吵
Some students prefer to sit before the television set and enjoy their favorite programs. They do not care about the preference of the other students. Roommates might argue or even fight with each other when disagreement arises about which programs to watch. I remember there was a time my roommate and I had a conflict about choosing the TV programs. I wanted to watch Breaking Bad
, but he preferred to watch a BBC documentary. We ended up in a big fight and my friend was sent to the hospital. Both of us got suspended
from school. That was really awkward and stupid.
4.3 家里
4.3.1 省钱
Watching movies at home can save money. We can pop our own popcorn and bring our snacks. Being able to eat and drink whatever I want without paying more than it should be is nice. It is ridiculous that most of the drinks or candy bars for sale at movie theaters are so expensive. A soda or an ice cream may cost you 5 dollars in a movie theater, but, when bought from a vending machine
, only costs 75 cents. And sometimes just watching a movie can cost you more than 10 dollars per ticket.
4.3.2 自在
I like being at home to lie around on the couch wearing pajamas and cuddling with my boyfriend or my dog. I can pause when I need a break or pick up a call. If I lose interest in the movie that I am watching, I can just turn it off and go to sleep. However, if I watch a movie in the cinema, I have to sit there and keep watching even if the movie is boring, because I don't want to waste my money. Plus, I just hate the endless commercials before every movie, and a wait for the toilet after the movie ends.
4.3.3 不会被别人干扰
Sometimes the people you are watching a movie/TV shows with can be annoying. There's always someone who wants the back row, and another who is passionate about being as close to the middle as possible. Arguing about what TV channel or movie you should watch could also lead to a serious argument between friends. I remember there was a time my friend Jay and I had a conflict about choosing the TV programs. We ended up in a big fight, and we didn't talk to each other for a long time. That was really awkward and stupid.
4.3.4 上瘾
People may get hooked on TV. Sometimes I feel days pass way too fast if I watch movies or TV shows at home. Once you start watching, it never ends. I can sit there for hours and it will break my daily routine. I was preparing for my finals at home last Friday. I felt tired, so I decided to watch a movie to take a break. However, I just couldn't help myself and I kept watching it. One movie after another, and almost 4 hours had passed till I realized it. I didn't have enough time to go over all my notes for the final. I felt upset and failed my exam.
05 Do you like to watch movies or TV by yourself or with others?Why?

5.1 和别人一起看
I believe the whole point of watching a movie is to connect and to share ideas with others, especially when they can really hit it off with you. Popcorn does taste better when shared. Watching a fun movie with my friends doubles the fun. And it will make a scary movie less creepy if I watch it with other people. I still remember the first time I saw Silent Hill. There are some creepy creatures in the movie, and when the lights go off it's pretty chilling. I could barely watch 15 minutes into the movie by myself. However, with my friends sitting by my side, I could continue watching, and it turned out it was a pretty good movie.
Sometimes, sitting there quietly by myself when watching movie or TV programs can be boring, especially when the plot is moving slow or nothing interesting is going on. However, if I watch movies with my best friends, we can talk to each other about how we hate or love the character,predict the next scene, adore how handsome the actor, is or admit the actress is our crush. At the end of the movie we could also discuss how the movie can end better. The list goes on. In this way, I can engage with people and know them better.
5.2 自己看
I can watch whatever I want and no one even has to know about it. I can sit wherever I want, while deciding where to sit with a group can be a pain. There's always someone who wants the back row, and another who is passionate about being as close to the middle as possible. Plus, I don't need to share food. I have all my snacks and popcorn. Also, I don't even need to worry about being a mess. I don't need to care about others staring at me for crying a lot during a movie or laughing out loud all over my face. I can let loose all my emotions.