
05 Geological Science:Earth's Crustcrust: the outer layer of the Earth地壳;外壳—Aluminumaluminum: a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite铝


矿石主要有一水硬铝石、一水软铝石和三水铝石。这些都是炼铝的矿石。铝矾土(aluminous soil; bauxite)又称矾土或铝土矿,主要成分是氧化铝,系含有杂质的水合氧化铝,是一种土状矿物。白色或灰白色,因含铁而呈褐黄或浅红色,不透明,质脆。极难熔化。不溶于水,能溶于硫酸、氢氧化钠溶液。主要用于炼铝,制耐火材料。本文主要介绍了关于铝矿石的种类及铝的冶炼。


Eight percent of the Earth's crust is aluminum, and there are hundreds of aluminum-bearing minerals and vast quantities of the rocks that contain them. The best aluminum ore is bauxitebauxite: a clay-like mineral; the chief ore of aluminum; composed of aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides; used as an abrasive and catalyst矾土;铝土矿, defined as aggregatesaggregate: gather in a mass, sum, or whole 集合;聚集;合计 of aluminous minerals, more or less impure, in which aluminum is present as hydrated oxideshydrated oxide:水合氧化物. Bauxite is the richest of all those aluminous rocks that occur in large quantities, and it yields alumina, the intermediate product required for the production of aluminum. Alumina also occurs naturally as the mineral corundum, but corundumcorundum: very hard mineral used as an abrasive金刚砂,刚玉 is not found in large deposits of high purity, and therefore it is an impractical source for making aluminum. Most of the many abundant nonbauxite aluminous minerals are silicatessilicate: a salt or ester derived from silicic acid [矿物] 硅酸盐, and, like all silicate minerals, they are refractoryrefractory: stubbornly resistant to authority or control难治的;难熔的;不听话的, resistant to analysis, and extremely difficult to process. The aluminum silicates are therefore generally unsuitable alternatives to bauxite because considerably more energy is required to extract alumina from them.


Sentence Translation


1. The best aluminum ore is bauxite, defined as aggregates of aluminous minerals, more or less impure, in which aluminum is present as hydrated oxides.

2. Alumina also occurs naturally as the mineral corundum, but corundum is not found in large deposits of high purity, and therefore it is an impractical source for making aluminum.


