
14 Analysis of Prehistoricprehistoric: belonging to or existing in times before recorded history 史前的;陈旧的 Air




Analysis of prehistoric air trapped in tiny bubbles beneath the polar ice sheets and of the composition of ice surrounding those bubbles suggests a correlation between carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere and global temperature over the last 160,000 years. Estimates of global temperature at the time air in the bubbles was trapped rely on measuring the relative abundances of hydrogen and its heavier isotope, deuteriumdeuterium: an isotope of hydrogen which has one neutron (as opposed to zero neutrons in hydrogen)[核]氘;[核] 重氢, in the ice surrounding the bubbles. When global temperatures are relatively low, water containing deuterium tends to condensecondense: undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops使浓缩;使压缩 and precipitateprecipitate: separate as a fine suspension of solid particles使沉淀;促成 before reaching the poles; thus, ice deposited at the poles when the global temperature was cooler contained relatively less deuterium than ice deposited at warmer global temperatures. Estimates of global temperature based on this information, combined with analysis of the carbon dioxide content of air trapped in ice deep beneath the polar surface, suggest that during periods of postglacial warming carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere increased by approximately 40 percent.


Sentence Translation


1. Estimates of global temperature at the time air in the bubbles was trapped rely on measuring the relative abundances of hydrogen and its heavier isotope, deuterium, in the ice surrounding the bubbles.

2. Estimates of global temperature based on this information, combined with analysis of the carbon dioxide content of air trapped in ice deep beneath the polar surface, suggest that during periods of postglacial warming carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere increased by approximately 40 percent.


