
List 6

crisis美[‘kraɪsɪs] ★★★★

n. 危机;危急关头

➢ They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. 他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。


➢ economic crisis 经济危机

➢ food crisis 粮食危机

近义词 emergency; predicament

fuel美[‘fjuːəl] ★★★★

n. 燃料;刺激因素

vt. 对……供给燃料

➢ Global warming may be caused by burning fossil fuels. 全球变暖可能是燃烧化石燃料引起的。


➢ fossil fuel 化石燃料

➢ green fuel 绿色燃料

circumstance美[‘sɜːrkəmstæns] ★★★★

n. 环境;详情;事件;(复数)境况

➢ He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。


➢ under no circumstance 在任何情况下都不;决不

➢ financial circumstance 经济状况

近义词 condition; surrounding

unrecognized美[ʌn'rekəɡnaɪzd] ★★

adj. 未被承认的;未被认出的

➢ The problem often goes unrecognized. 问题常被忽视。

近义词 unknown

reference美[‘refrəns] ★★★★

n. 参考;参照;出处;推荐人

➢ With reference to your requirements, I shall recommend this one. 关于你的要求,我将推荐这个。


➢ without reference to… 不考虑……

➢ with reference to… 考虑……;关于

近义词 mention; quotation

temporary美[‘tempəreri] ★★★★

adj. 暂时的;临时的

➢ The arrangement is only temporary. 这种安排只是暂时的。


➢ temporary work 临时工程;临时工作

➢ temporary shelter 临时避难所

近义词 provisional; momentary

approach美[ə'proʊtʃ] ★★★★★

v. 靠近;接近;要求;达到;动手处理

n. 途径;方法;接近;要求;路径

➢ The professor is easy to approach, and all the young teachers like to ask for advice from him. 教授平易近人,所有的年轻教师都喜欢向他请教。


➢ approach toward… 朝……走来

➢ approach to… 学习……的途径

近义词 method; way

remind美[rɪ’maɪnd] ★★★★

vt. 使想起;提醒

➢ This story rem inds me of my childhood. 这个故事让我想起了我的童年


➢ remind about 提醒

近义词 recall; recollect

facilitate美[fə’sɪlɪteɪt] ★★★★

vt. 促进;帮助;使……容易

➢ Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange. 各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。

➢ The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. 新的地下铁路将为去城市各处提供方便。


➢ facilitate communication 促进沟通

近义词 promote; boost

replacement美[rɪ’pleɪsmənt] ★★★

n. 更换;接替者

➢ It was difficult to find a replacement for him. 很难找到人来接替他。


➢ find a replacement 找代替者

近义词 alternative; substitute

non-renewab le美[nɒn rɪ’nuːəbl]★★★★★

adj. (自然资源的)非再生的;不可更新的

➢ A ll countries are being asked to cut down on their use of nonrenewable resources. 所有国家都被要求减少使用不可再生资源。

➢ The demand for non-renewable natural resources, such as petrol and steel, was grow dramatically. 对不可再生的自然资源的需求,如汽油和钢铁,急剧增长。


➢ non-renewable resources 不可再生资源

近义词 unrenewable

reduction美[rɪ’dʌkʃn] ★★★

n. 减少;降低;减价

➢ We are now seeing a trend towards the reduction of exports by China.我们现在注意到一个趋势,那就是中国的出口在减少。


➢ personnel/staff reduction 裁员

➢ reduction in cost 减少成本

近义词 decline; decrease

solar美[‘soʊlər] ★★★★

adj. 太阳的;太阳能的

➢ The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。


➢ solar heating system 太阳能供暖系统

➢ solar cell 太阳能电池

➢ solar energy 太阳能

overlook美[ˌoʊvər'lʊk] ★★

v. 俯瞰;远眺;没注意到;忽视

n. 忽视;远眺

➢ It is easy to overlook a small detail like that. 那样的小细节很容易被忽略。


➢ overlook problem 忽视问题

➢ overlook m istake 忽视过错

近义词 ignore

relationship美[rɪ’leɪʃnʃɪp] ★★★★

n. 关系;联系;亲属关系

➢ A good relationship is built on trust. 一种好的关系是以信任为基础的。


➢ ecological relationship 生态关系

➢ develop/form/build a relationship 发展(形成、建立)关系

近义词 bond; connection

complex美[kəm’pleks] ★★★★

adj. 复杂的;合成的;复合的

n. 综合体;复合体

➢ It is a complex problem. 这是一个复杂的问题。

➢ Libraries are great complexes of tiny items. 图书馆是细小类目的大综合体。


➢ complex networks of roads 错综复杂的公路网

➢ sports complex 综合性体育场

近义词 complicated; mixed

ground美[ɡraʊnd] ★★★★★

n. 地面;地方;根据;主题;立场;水平;背景

➢ The proposal was rejected on environmental grounds. 这个提议出于环保的原因被否决。

➢ There are strong grounds for believing his statement. 有充分的理由可以相信他的话


➢ on the ground 当场;在现场

➢ solid ground 牢固的基础

近义词 basis; land; earth

hidden美[‘hɪdn] ★★

adj. 隐藏的;秘密的

➢ Our planet is filled with hidden places. 我们的星球到处都有不为人知的地方。


➢ hidden agenda 别有企图;幕后的动机;隐而不说的事

➢ hidden defect 内在的瑕疵

近义词 secret; unknown; invisible

accustomed美[ə'kʌstəmd] ★★★

adj. 惯常的;通常的

➢ She was not accustomed to be away from home for so long. 她不习惯离家这么长时间。


➢ get accustomed to 习惯

➢ gradually accustomed 渐渐习惯的

近义词 familiarized; familiar; common

friendsh ip美[‘frendʃɪp] ★★★★

n. 友谊;友好

➢ Real friendship is more valuable than money. 真正的友谊比金钱更宝贵。


➢ improve friendship 增进友谊

➢ neighbourly friendship 邻里间的友情

近义词 brotherhood

psychological美[ˌsaɪkə'lɑːdʒɪkl] ★★

adj. 心理(学)的

➢ There could be some psychological explanation for his bad health. 他的健康不佳可能有心理上的原因。


➢ psychological fitness 心理健全

近义词 mental; inner; spiritual

heartfelt美[‘hɑːrtfelt] ★★

adj. 衷心的;真诚的;真心真意的

➢ I w ish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you again. 我借此机会再一次地向大家表示衷心的感谢。


➢ a heartfelt apology 真诚的道歉

近义词 sincere; genuine; wholehearted

emotional美[ɪ'moʊʃənl] ★★★

adj. 感情的;情绪的

➢ Sometimes emotional problems might lead to serious results. 有时候情绪问题会导致严重的结果。


➢ emotional speech 充满激情的演说

➢ emotional nature 易激动的性情

近义词 moving; affecting

fierce美[fɪrs] ★★★★

adj. 强烈的;凶猛的;猛烈的

➢ Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce. 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。


➢ fierce competition 激烈的竞争

近义词 cruel; violent; intense; severe

nonstop美[nɑn’stɑp] ★★

adj. 直达的;不断的;不间断的

adv. 直达地;不间断地

n. 直达车;直达行驶

➢ We should learn nonstop till we get old. 我们应该不停地学习,一直到老。

近义词 continuous; constant; continually

numb美[nʌm] ★★★★★

adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的

vt. 使麻木;使失去知觉

➢ Many men become more aware of emotional numbness in their 40s.很多男性40多岁时愈发意识到自己情感上的麻木。


➢ a numb hand 笨人;无经验者

近义词 insensitive; dull; emotionless

isolated美[‘aɪsəleɪtɪd] ★★★★

adj. 孤立的;隔离的;分离的

➢ Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. 不幸的是,这并不是一个孤立的事件。

➢ Don’t view things as static and isolated. 不要静止地、孤立地看待事物。


➢ isolated system 孤立的系统

近义词 lonely; remote; separated

prevalence美[‘prevələns] ★★★

n. 传播;流行;普及

➢ With increasing prevalence of mobile devices, communications have come into a golden age of development. 随着移动设备的日益普及,通讯已经进入了黄金发展时期。

近义词 popularity

simplicity美[sɪm’plɪsəti] ★★

n. 简单;单纯;简朴

➢ The solution to this problem was simplicity itself . 这个问题的解决办法十分简单。


➢ simplicity of structure 构造简单

➢ speak with simplicity 谈吐朴实

近义词 plainness

openness美[‘oʊpənnəs] ★★

n. 直率;公开;开放;空旷

➢ Americans are well know for their openness of m ind. 美国人以思想开放闻名。

近义词 freedom; honesty



➢ Climate change cannot be solved by relying exclusively on cutting emissions or market-based solutions. 气候变化不能仅仅依靠减排或基于市场的解决方案来解决。


➢ market-based economy 市场经济

➢ market-based criteria 市场标准

assign美[ə'saɪn] ★★★

vt. 分配;指定;指派;把……归因于;确定

➢ Our teachers assign too much homework. 我们老师布置的家庭作业太多了。


➢ assign homework 布置作业

近义词 allot

assignment美[ə'saɪnmənt] ★★★★

n. 分配;任务;功课;委派

➢ The assessment for the course involves w ritten assignments and practical tests. 这门课程的评估包括各种书面作业和实践测试。


➢ hand in an assignment 交作业

➢ hand out an assignment 布置作业

近义词 task; mission