Lesson 2 Micro the Metal Dog (2)
Susan Gates
1、Micro went back home. He rode up to the seventh floor in the lift. Daniel’s mum came back from work and he sneaked into the flat behind her.
2、“Why are you out of your box?” said Daniel’s mum, surprised. “Get back into your kennel.” But Micro ran the other way. He opened his metal mouth. “Ruff! Ruff!
Ruff!” he roared, as he’d heard the real dogs do.
3、Daniel’s mum covered her ears, “Shh! What a racket!”
4、Micro barked even louder, “RUFF! RUFF! RUFF!” He rushed round in a circle,chasing his tail, until he was just a silver blur.
5、He jumped up at Daniel’s mum. “Get down!” she said. But Micro took no notice and jumped up even more. With his metal jaws, he chomped great bits out of the carpet.
6、“Stop that, now!” yelled Daniel’s mum. “What’s the matter with you? You’re supposed to be a good dog!”
7、Micro rushed into the bathroom. He stuck his head down the toilet, just as he’d seen Scruffy do. Then he pulled his head out and shook water all over the place.
8、It was the last straw. “I’m not putting up with this!” said Daniel’s mum. “The stupid machine has gone mad!”
9、She grabbed Micro. She took him out of the flat and threw him down the rubbish chute. “Daniel never played with it anyway,” she thought. “He won’t even miss it.”
10、Dented and battered, Micro lay in the dark basement with the rubbish bags. “What did I do wrong?” he thought sadly. “I was only doing what real dogs do.” But, instead of being loved, he’d been thrown out with the rubbish.
11、Mum was right. When Daniel came home from school, he didn’t even notice that Micro was missing. But he did notice the chewed carpet. “Who did that?” he said.
12、Mum said, “That dog! When I came home, it went crazy! It was barking and chasing around in circles. It even stuck its head down the toilet.”
13、Mum went on, “I said, ‘Stop it!’ But it took no notice! Just as if it had a mind of its own!” “Really?” said Daniel. “A mind of its own?”
14、For the first time, he was interested in Micro. He said, “Where is he?”
15、Mum looked a bit uncomfortable. “I threw him down the rubbish chute,” she said.
16、“What!” yelled Daniel. “You threw my dog down the rubbish chute! How could you? He was my birthday present!” Daniel rushed for the door. “Where are you going?” said Mum. “To the basement. To find Micro!” Mum felt really bad now. She called out after Daniel, “I didn’t think you wanted him!”
17、In the basement, Daniel saw a glint of silver among the rubbish bags. “Micro!” he cried.
18、Micro’s eyes lit up. He jumped up and tried to lick Daniel’s face with his metal tongue.
19、Daniel picked him up in his arms and carried him outside. “Stay here,” he said to Micro. But Micro was already racing towards the park. He’d seen Scruffy!
20、With joyful barks, Micro ran to Scruffy on his stumpy, metal legs. His tail was wagging, even though no one had told it to.
21、Daniel watched, amazed. Micro and Scruffy raced around together. They dug holes. They chased seagulls. They were having the time of their lives.
22、Daniel threw a stick. “Fetch, Micro!” he cried. Of course, Micro ran the other way. He fetched back an empty pizza box, and dropped it at Daniel’s feet. Daniel grinned, “You silly dog.” Then Daniel patted Micro’s head. He scratched him behind his shiny, silver ears.
23、“I always wanted a dog,” he said. “And now I’ve got one.”
24、He put his arms around Micro’s metal neck. “I’ve got the best dog in the world.”
(631 words)
Ⅰ. How well did you read?
1. [Check the details] How did Micro go back home?
A. He went back home in a lift.
B. Daniel’s mother took it home.
C. It ran back home.
2. [Draw a conclusion] Why did Daniel’s mother throw Micro away?
A. Because Daniel didn’t like the dog.
B. Because Micro became a real dog.
C. Because she didn’t like Micro acting like a real dog.
3. [Check the details] Where did Daniel find the robot dog?
A. In the rubbish bag. B. In the basement. C. In the rubbish chute.
Ⅱ. Read for words.
1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.
(1) He opened his metal mouth. “Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!” he roared, as he’d heard the real dogs do. (Para. 2, Line 3)
A. barked with a loud noise??
B. shouted without stopping??
C. ran quickly with a loud noise
(2) Daniel watched, amazed. (Para. 21, Line 1)
A. surprised B. worried C. moved
2. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined expressions.
(1) “Get back into your kennel.” But Micro ran the other way. (Para. 2, Line 2)
A. didn’t follow the order
B. ran out of the room C. ran away
(2) It was the last straw. “I’m not putting up with this!” said Daniel’s mum. (Para. 8, Line 1)
A. 救命稻草 B. 最后的吸管 C. 忍无可忍
(3) “I’m not putting up with this!” said Daniel’s mum. (Para. 8, Line 1)
A. 不张贴它 B. 无法忍受 C. 没有收拾狗窝
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
1. What did Micro do when it went back home?
2. Did Daniel’s mother like what Micro did?
3. What did Daniel’s mother do with the dog?
4. How did Daniel find his robot dog missing?
5. Did Daniel go to the basement to get Micro?
6. What made Daniel like his robot dog?