Lesson 6 The Children’s Friends
1、When summer comes, Edith and Louise have very happy times.
2、They go to their summer home, miles and miles away.
3、This home is on an island in a beautiful lake. They go to the island in a boat.
4、Here is the island and the steamboat which carries them to their home.
5、When the children reach the island, they run through the woods to their house.How glad they are to get there!
6、The trees grow beside it and lean over the roof.
7、The lake comes almost to the door.
8、The children play in the white sand on the beach, and wade in the water.
9、They watch the boats on the lake, and listen to the splash, splash, splash of the water.
10、Sometimes little fishes swim close to their feet, as if to say, “We are glad you have come. We like to play with you.”
11、Little birds fly down to the beach, and dip their wings in the clear water of the lake. “Here we are! Glad to see you!” they seem to say.
12、Squirrels leap from bough to bough on the tall trees, and call to the children,“Chip, chip, chip!” That means, “So you have come at last. How glad we are!”
13、Then, all at once, a little brown rabbit leaps across the path. He hides under a low bush, but the children see him sitting and watching them. He is a timid little fellow; or he would speak, too, and say, “I am glad you have come.”
14、You see the children have many friends to welcome them back to their summer home. Would you not like to be there?
(291 words)
Ⅰ. How well do you read?
1. [Check the details] When do the children have very happy times?
A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In winter.
2. [Check the details] How do they get to the island?
A. In a boat. B. On a bus. C. On their foot.
3. [Check the details] What do the children do by the lake?
A. Play in the sand. B. Leap across the path. C. Talk to the animals.
Ⅱ. Read for words.
Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or phrases.
1. The children play in the white sand on the beach, and wade in the water. (Para. 8,line 1)
A.( 从水、泥等)蹚 B. 跋涉 C. 走过2. Little birds fly down to the beach, and dip their wings in the clear water of the lake. (Para. 11, line 1)
A. 浸水 B(. 使)下降 C. 投进
3. Squirrels leap from bough to bough on the tall trees, and call to the children. (Para.
12, line 1)
A. jump B. walk C. run
4. He hides under a low bush, but the children see him sitting and watching them.
(Para. 13, line 1)
A. 玩耍 B. 隐藏 C. 覆盖
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
Do you have a good place for your holiday? Write about it.