Beyond Beer Labels
The fabrication of corporate constitutional rights has not only changed our politics and law; corporate rights and corporate power affect everything: the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat, what our kids learn in school (and what they buy on the way home), what kind of health care we get, the wars we fight, and the taxes and debt generations to come will carry.
Do you want to know if your food is safe? Do you want to be able to choose milk, cheese, and yogurt from cows that are not injected with a genetically engineered drug that is banned in most of the world? Do you want to know if your water supply has been contaminated with diesel fuel, toxic chemicals, and radiation so that global energy corporations can “frack” natural gas? Do you want to stop toxic-pesticide manufacturers from claiming that their products are “safe for kids” in big letters on the label? Do you want the school to which you are required to send your kids to be inundated with youth-targeting advertisements? Do you want college education to be available without Wall Street corporations sucking billions of dollars of tax money into Ponzi-like for-profit student-debt schemes? In the new corporate rights era, the corporations say you can’t.