When we talk about negative and positive organizations, we often speak in absolutes. We might say, “I work in a negative organization.” This kind of language masks important truths. A human culture is complex and dynamic. It is full of human potential. Because an organization’s culture is not fixed, it is always possible to move it in a more positive or negative direction. One of the biggest roadblocks to increased positivity is that many people do not understand how to make their culture more positive. For a positive organization to emerge there must be a leader who can understand the complex nature of positive and negative organizing. In the next chapter we learn how some managers do this. They become bilingual.
Reader Insights
At the end of this book, you will have the opportunity to fill out the Positive Organization Generator. The first step will be to assess your unit. The second will be to create a vision for your unit. The third will be to find levers or strategies that allow your newly created vision to become a reality. You will find it helpful if you already have some. Please reflect on this chapter and then answer the following two questions.
What new characteristics would I like my unit to have a year from now?
What new ideas do I have for creating a more positive organization?