More Praise for Let’s Stop Meeting Like This
“It’s the most practical and instantly applicable resource available for not only revolutionizing meetings but providing effective and tangible ways people can work together productively and creatively.”
“The time we spend in the conference room is increasing, and this book maps out a reliable process to maximize our return on investment in meetings.”
“As the world becomes more interdependent, meetings will become more frequent and a more necessary part of work. Rather than waste time in and get mad at meetings, read this book and learn how to make them more productive.”
“This book will change your feelings about meetings and give them the importance they deserve. These ideas are the means to create communities of committed and powerful people.”
“Whether we are facilitators, leaders, or meeting contributors, we’re welcomed into a well-designed meeting and are left with much more confidence in our ability to carry out meetings well.”
“This book provides a way to turn a negative into a positive—more productive meetings and increased levels of employee engagement.”
“Let’s Stop Meeting Like This has tangible advice and tools to get more commitment and better outcomes from meetings.”
“By applying a fresh four-step process rooted in their benchmark research on engagement, the Axelrods offer a way to move meetings fromsomething to be dreaded to a valuable and essential business tool.”
“The authors have created a perfect blend of lessons resulting in the most engaging, no-nonsense, helpful guide I’ve ever read on this topic. Read it quick—before your next meeting!”
“Whether you are an OD practitioner, leader, or frequent meeting participant, the tools and approaches shared by Dick and Emily Axelrod can be quickly put into practice to achieve dramatic results.”
“Well-run meetings have a critical impact on the change process, so if you are responsible for significant transformational efforts, do yourself a favor and read Let’s Stop Meeting Like This.”
“This clearly written book will be helpful to leaders wishing to shift the workplace culture to be more effective and more relational.”
“I certainly learned a great deal about a subject I have taken for granted. This is a must-read for anyone who seeks to make meetings more valuable and rewarding.”
“The spirit of the book alone can transform the quality of meetings, but the memorable model it offers ensures a group can improve its meeting experience.”
“The Axelrods’ book will make you smile in recognition and raise your eyebrows in appreciation of some new ideas.”