Ⅲ. Choose the proper words or exphessions from the list below and fill in the blanks.
IegisIation veto interpreted checks and baIances override biII executive court signs Iawsuit
The process of how laws are made is a good example of ____1____ in action. First, the legislative branch introduces and votes on a ____2____ .The bill then goes to the ____3____ branch, where the President decides whether he thinks the bill is good for the country. If so, he ____4____ the bill, and it becomes a law.
If the President does not believe the bill is good for the country, he does not sign it. This is called a ____5____ .But the legislative branch gets another chance. With enough votes, the legislative branch can ____6____ the executive branch's veto, and the bill becomes a law.
Once a law is in place, the people of the country can test it through the ____7 ____system, which is under the control of the judicial branch. If someone believes a law is unfair, a ____8____ can be filed. Lawyers then make arguments for and against the case, and a judge decides which side has presented the most convincing arguments. The side that loses can choose to appeal to a higher court, and may eventually reach the highest court of all, the Supreme Court.
If the legislative branch does not agree with the way in which the judicial branch has ____9____ the law, they can introduce a new piece of ____10____ ,and the process starts all over again.