Section 7 职业目标
84. 我希望可以通过自己的努力得到提拔。
I hope to be promoted through my own efforts.
A: What’s your career objective in your second working year? 你工作第二年的职业目标是什么?
B: I hope to be promoted through my own efforts. 我希望可以通过自己的努力得到提拔。
promote 升职
career objective 职业目标
● 我把成为职业经理人定为我的职业目标。
I set a career objective of being a professional manager.
● 我计划3年内升职。I planned to get promotion in three years.
85. 如果能够应聘成功,我希望能够领导整个销售团队。
If given the chance, I would love to head the whole sales team.
head 领导
86. 我的短期目标是进入到管理层。
My short term goal is to get into a management position.
short term goal 短期目标
position 职位
A: What are your short term goals? 你的短期目标是什么?
B: My short term goal is to get into a management position. 我的短期目标是进入到管理层。
87. 我希望在未来的1~2年成为一名销售经理。
I hope to become a sales manager within a year or two.
sales manager 销售经理
A: Tell me about some of your recent goals. 和我谈谈你的近期目标吧。
B: I hope to become a sales manager within a year or two. 我希望在未来的1~2年成为一名销售经理。
88. 我坚信凭借我的学习精神,在3年之后我会成为我所在领域一名出色的员工。
I sincerely believe that I will become a very excellent employee in this field in three years with my spirit of study.
A: I sincerely believe that I will become a very excellent employee in this field in three years with my spirit of study. 我坚信凭借我的学习精神,在3年之后我会成为我所在领域的一名出色的员工。
B: I believe you will make it. 我相信你会做到的。
make it做到
● 我想在这个领域有一定成就。
I hope to make some achievements in this field.
● 我相信你会在这个领域占有一席之地。
I believe you can take a place in this field.
89. 在4年后,我希望我能成为一名成功的顾问,为贵公司这样的世界级公司工作。
In four years, I would like to see myself as a successful consultant for a world-class firm like you.
successful 成功的
consultant 顾问
world-class 世界级的
A: What is your plan in the next three or four years? 你3~4年后的规划是什么样的?
B: In four years, I would like to see myself as a successful consultant for a world-class firm like you. 在4年后,我希望我能成为一名成功的顾问,为贵公司这样的世界级公司工作。
90. 我的长期目标是从技术职位跃升到管理层。
My long-term goal is to move on from a technical position to a management position.
A: How about your long-term goal? 你的长期目标是什么?
B: My long-term goal is to move on from a technical position to a management position. 我的长期目标是从技术职位跃升到管理层。
● 我的目标是升到管理层。My goal is to get promoted to a management position.
● 我的最终目标是成为一名经理。My final goal is to become a manager.
91. 将来我想要成为一名出色的主管。
In the future, I want to be an excellent director.
A: In the future, I want to be an excellent director. 将来我想要成为一名出色的主管。
B: I hope you could fulfill it. 希望你能实现目标。
● 我希望实现成为一名主管的梦想。I hope to fulfill my goal of being a director.
● 你的职业目标是什么?What’s your goal in your career?
92. 我想要成为我所在职位的专家。
I want to be an expert at my position.
A: What’s your long-term career goal? 你的长期职业目标是什么?
B: I want to be an expert at my position. 我想要成为我所在职位的专家。
93. 我会制订一个长远的发展计划,然后通过一些培训课程来更新我的知识。
I will make a long-term plan, and then update my knowledge through some training courses.
A: What will it take to attain your goals? 为了实现你的目标,你要采取什么行动?
B: I will make a long-term plan, and then update my knowledge through some training courses. 我会制订一个长远的发展计划,然后通过一些培训课程来更新我的知识。
update 更新
training course 培训课程
attain 实现
94. 我会继续积累经验,在学到很多方面的知识后,我想我会成为贵公司一名非常有价值的员工。
I want to continue gaining experience, and after learning many different aspects, I’ll see myself as a valued employee of a company.
continue 继续
aspect 方面
valued 有价值的
95. 接下来我想要参与更多具有挑战性的项目,尽我所能学习更多关于营销方面的知识。
I want to take the next step by taking on more challenging projects and learn everything I can about marketing.
A: How are you going to do your part of work? 你准备怎样开展你的工作?
B: I want to take the next step by taking on more challenging projects and learn everything I can about marketing. 接下来我想要参与更多具有挑战性的项目,尽我所能学习更多关于营销方面的知识。
What's your career objective?
Interviewer: What's your career objective?
Interviewee: I hope to lead an energetic and productive sales team.
Interviewer: What do you consider important when looking for a job?
Interviewee: I think the most important thing is the nature of the job. One should never do anything one is not interested in. To me, pleasant working conditions with co-operative staff are also important.
Interviewer: Why are you interested in working in this company?
Interviewee: My past experience is closely related to this job. I am confident I can do the job well.
Interviewer: What do you think you would bring to the job?
Interviewee: My business experience in China, I know a lot about how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.
1. What's your career objective?
询问职业目标时还可以说:What are your goals?(你的目标是什么?)What is your plan in your career?(你的职业规划是什么样的?)。
2. I am confident I can do the job well.
表达“我相信……。”还可以说:I believe...,例如,I believe I can figure it out.(我相信我一定能搞懂的。)