More Praise for The End of Diversity as We Know It
“This is a results book. It provides a practical guide for committed leaders interested in achieving optimal results through the efforts of people. It is also a handbook for leaders who aspire to do the ‘right things right and at the right time.’”
—Charlie W. Hill, Executive Vice President of Human Resources (retired), Landmark Communications, Inc.
“In plain English, Martin Davidson explains how diversity can make a company more efficient and innovative, which leads to greater profits. This book artfully blends psychology, social issues, and good business sense to provide baggage-free, 21st-century solutions to problems. Read it before your competitors do.”
—Reginald Hudlin, producer/director and former President, Black Entertainment Television, Inc.
“Martin Davidson reminds us that diversity is not about others; rather, it is about us and our willingness to push ourselves to the edge of personal discomfort in order to run productive, sustainable institutions; create communities of harmony; and live fuller, happier lives.”
—Subha V. Barry, Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Vice President, Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement, Freddie Mac
“Martin Davidson hit the nail on the head! This extensively researched book moves the diversity paradigm from the human resource cubicle to the whole organization, the tactical to the strategic, the short term to the sustainable, and the domestic to the global. A must-read for every business leader.”
—Dr. Austin Ifedirah, President and CEO, Aegis Healthcare Holdings, Inc.
“This is a tactical book for business leaders who know they have to shift their thinking but have never quite understood how (and truthfully, why) to do it. Every CEO who looks at his or her company’s diversity initiative and wonders why it hasn’t made as much progress should read this book.”
—Todd G. Sears, Principal, Coda Leadership Consulting LLC, and former Americas Head of Diversity & Inclusion, Credit Suisse
“Professor Davidson takes us on an enlightening journey that raises the bar for any business executive seeking to improve productivity. Leveraging difference is a critical tool for those who are result and not process oriented when deploying talent.”