The EVMS criteria are usually divided into five sections:
2.Planning and budgeting
3.Accounting considerations
4.Analysis and management reports
5.Revisions and data maintenance.
The 2006 revision of the ANSI/EIA criteria added “scheduling” to the second section; the sections of the 2013 revision remain essentially unchanged.
Manager Alert
The 32 EVM criteria are generally divided into sections that represent five basic project management concepts.
This five-step division is intended to address basic management concepts, but many of the concepts overlap. The criteria are presented fully in Appendix I with the latest version notations. The following are the key aspects of each criterion.
1. Define the work with a work breakdown structure (WBS).
2. Identify organizational breakdown structures (OBSs) that will do the work specified by the WBS.
3. Provide for integration of company processes and the program structure.
4. Identify the function for controlling overhead.
5. Provide integration that permits performance measurement from the WBS.
Planning and Budgeting
6. Schedule the work with task sequence and appropriate logic linkages between all tasks.
7. Identify indicators of measurable progress.
8. Establish and maintain a time-phased budget baseline at the control account level.
9. Establish budgets with identification of significant cost elements.
10. Identify and establish budgets in discrete work packages within control accounts and identify far-term work in larger planning packages.
11. Ensure that the sum of the work package budgets and planning package budgets within a control account equals the total control account budget.
12. Identify and control any work defined as level of effort.
13. Establish overhead budgets.
14. Identify management reserves and undistributed budget.
15. Ensure that the project’s target cost equals the sum of all budgets and reserves.
Accounting Considerations
16. Record direct costs (those costs traceable only to the project/program) in a formal system.
17. Summarize direct costs from control accounts to the WBS elements.
18. Summarize direct costs from control accounts into the contractor’s organizational elements.
19. Record all indirect costs.
20. Identify unit costs (if producing multiple physical units).
21. Provide accountability for a material accounting system.
Analysis and Management Reports
22. Generate management control information at the control account level.
23. Identify and explain differences between actual and planned schedule and cost performance.
24. Identify budgeted and applied indirect costs.
25. Summarize data and variances through program organization or work breakdown structures.
26. Implement managerial actions.
27. Revise estimates of cost at completion based on performance to date.
Revisions and Data Maintenance
28. Incorporate authorized changes.
29. Reconcile current budgets to prior budgets.
30. Control retroactive changes to records.
31. Prevent unauthorized revisions to the program budget.
32. Document changes to the performance measurement baseline.
The next chapter introduces the basic EVM metrics. Subsequent chapters provide additional detail about EV implementation, execution, reports, and analyses.