Self-Assessment: Create a Benchmark of Your Current Skill Set
The purpose of the self-assessment in Step 2 is to establish a benchmark of your current skill set so that you have a baseline from which you can progress. You will be asked to score your proficiency on a scale from 1 to 10 in a number of project management disciplines and competencies.
By assessing yourself, you become more aware of the areas where you are strong and the areas where you might need to improve. You then will be able to leverage your strengths, develop your project management capabilities, and focus on removing your limiting factor.
Use a colored pen when filling in the self-assessment. Later, you will go back and reassess yourself using a different color. You can then overlay your scores to easily determine your progress.
At the end of Step 2, you will have a realistic picture of your current capabilities as a project manager. I will ask you to reflect on your scores and look at them in the context of the vision and mission statement you wrote earlier. This will set up a comparison between your capabilities and those of the project manager you really want to become; the direction in which you should direct your efforts will become more obvious.
Date of 1st assessment (and color used): __________
Date of 2nd assessment (and color used): __________
Date of 3rd assessment (and color used): __________