Part Six Strengthening Reading

Shopping Mall or Cyber-mall?

The Internet is part of everyday life for most young Americans: About three-quarters of 18-24-year-olds regularly go online. Many have now added Internet shopping to e-mail and other activities. Since the mid-1990s, shopping online has grown from almost nothing to about five percent of all US retailing. Sales have been increasing by over 25% per year, and last year goods and services worth $93 billion were bought online.注4
注4 Sales have been increasing by over 25% per year, and last year goods and services worth $93 billion were bought online.销售额每年增长超过25%,去年价值930亿美元的商品和服务是通过网络购买的。此句中,by表示增减的幅度。
In the beginning, many predicted the end of traditional shopping but will this really happen? Are ordinary shops and even shopping malls about to close? Could millions of sales staff lose their jobs?
Well, Internet shopping certainly has big advantages. Travel websites can quickly find the cheapest flights, for example, and fares cost less than they dofrom a travel agent. In fact, most Internet prices are lower than shop prices. It can also be very convenient to do your shopping from home, day or night. (Internet sales always rise rapidly at Christmas because many people don't like the crowded shops and the cold weather.注5)
注5 Internet sales always rise rapidly at Christmas because many people don't like the crowded shops and the cold weather.圣诞节期间,网络销售总是快速增长,因为很多人不喜欢拥挤的商店和寒冷的天气。在世界各地的许多国家,圣诞节通常是一个销售高峰,人们购买礼物、装饰品和其他用于庆祝的商品。据统计,在美国四分之一的个人消费都是在圣诞购物季期间发生的。
However, there are problems. Orders can take two weeks or more to arrive and have to be returned if something is wrong. Many people worry about the security of their credit card details. Some also miss the fun of shopping with friends.
Online retailing has brought different levels of success to different types of business. Amazon.com is a very successful online retailer, but many others have failed. They spent too much, sold too little, had delivery problems and finally went bankrupt.
But, perhaps surprisingly, some traditional retailers have also done well. The Internet can offer a bigger market to small, specialist shops, for example, Bill Ross, owner of a farm shop, says,“Using the net is like opening shops all over Britain.”
Big traditional retailers have introduced their customers to multichannel shopping even more successfully.注6Online orders are simply supplied from their stores or warehouses. Walmart, the world's largest supermarket chain also cleverly mixes offline and online channels. For example, you can leave a film at a Walmart store and then collect digital images from the company's website.
注6 Big traditional retailers have introduced their customers to multichannel shopping even more successfully.传统的大型零售商把多渠道购物方式介绍给他们的客户,在这方面他们做得更为成功。multichannel意为“多渠道”,其中multi-是拉丁语前缀,意为“许多的”。
Multichannel shopping's biggest winner is often the customer. Look at American car buyers:75% now research everything from cost to color on the Internet before they go to the car dealer with the best offer.
It now seems clear that Internet shopping is not going to replace traditional retailing.注6Rather, it is making traditional retailing more flexible, efficient and competitive. This is great news for the consumer.
注6 It now seems clear that Internet shopping is not going to replace traditional retailing.现在看来,互联网购物不会取代传统零售业。此句中It是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。
Words Tips
◇ The computer might not support online working.计算机不能承载联机工作。
◇ Look up a Chinese word in an online dictionary.用在线词典查一个汉字。
2.retail /'riːteɪl/ v.以……价格销售;零售
◇ These biros retail at 70p.这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士。
◇ We should be able to retail most of these products to overseas customers.我们应能够把大部分该产品卖给海外顾客。
3.sale /seɪl/ n.出售;促销
◇ The law forbids the sale of alcohol to people under 18.法律禁止向18岁以下的人出售含有酒精的饮料。
◇ The local dress shop is having a sale.附近的时装店正在大拍卖。
4.predict /prɪ'dɪkt/ v.预言;预报;预知;预测
◇ It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.精确地预言未来实际上是办不到的。
◇ The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation.经济学家预言通货膨胀率将会上升。
5.staff /stæf/ n.员工;全体人员;全体职员
◇ I find the hotel staff particularly courteous.我发现酒店员工特别谦恭有礼。
◇ He is on the editorial staff of the newspaper.他是报纸的编辑人员。
6.fare /feə/ n.车费;路费
◇ Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare.我和你分摊计程车费吧。
◇ She didn't have enough money for the bus fare.她的钱不够付公共汽车的车费。
7.convenient/kən'viːnjənt/ adj.便利的;方便的
◇ Internet makes it convenient for us to get in touch with each other.互联网方便了我们相互联系。
◇ Please come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。
8.security /sə'kjʊrəti/ n.安全;保证
◇ I'll undertake for your security.我将保证你的安全。
◇ The visitors were searched for security reasons.为了安全起见,来宾受到了检查。
9.delivery /dɪ'lɪvəri/ n.传递;交付;递送
◇ Please send this parcel by express delivery.请用快递寄送这个包裹。
◇ If you can guarantee punctual delivery, we shall place order with you.如果你能保证按时交付,我们将给你订购。