Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Introduction
The previous chapters presented a theoretical groundwork and research background that could be used to define the term MICE and the role of residents' perceptions related to MICE impacts. The previous chapters were based on an extensive review of existing literature but it was found that while residents' perceptions of tourism generally is a wellestablished theme in the tourism literature, there is little literature specific to MICE, particularly in China. In order to deepen understanding and possibly the definition of the term ‘MICE', it is essential that residents' perceptions are analysed. This chapter draws on the previous literature to present the methods used to gather and analyse data in this study.
This chapter, therefore, contains the background to the development of the questionnaire from initial ‘utopian' thoughts to practical application. The study undertook a conventional mixed methods pattern of an initial qualitative pilot study followed by a self-completion questionnaire to generate quantitative data. The pilot study's interview questions were designed to obtain a better understanding of residents' perceptions. The results of the pilot study were used as the basis for the items included in the final questionnaire of the main study.