When Prof. Chen Ling first told me about this ambitious project to study the organizational health of family firms in China, l had just begun to think about the same subject because of an invitation to join a similar project in an international context. l would like to congratulate Prof. Chen and his colleagues for so quickly achieving their results because our own has barely begun. Thus l was quite interested in what their project uncovered and it was fortuitous that Prof. Chen asked me to write a preface for the study, allowing me to see the report before it is made public to everybody.
Health, even in the case of a person, is not easy to define or measure. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as: “... a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” So the definition transcends freedom from illness and pain which is how health is actually defined in medical practice as implied by the pronouncement of health when one's annual physical checkup screens out diseases and their near causes. But even the WHO definition has been criticized for setting an ideal that is unachievable or unachievable by most. Thus, many experts now work with a concept of health that is somewhere between the definition as practiced in medicine and as defined by the WHO.
The idea that organizations should also be viewed in terms of its health rather than simply its economic performance is around fifty years old, quite young in terms of science. lf experts are still unable to agree on a definition of health for individuals, we should not expect them to do better in terms of organizational health. Clearly, it cannot be a case of an organization without problems because, especially in today's global economy, organizations all face the constant need for adapting to changes in the business environment. Some combination of direction, self-identity, productivity and adaptability in their financial, psychological, social and cultural contexts appear to be present in most definitions. These ingredients are certainly reflected in the measures used in this study.
One of the most important difficulties in studying organizational health arises from the fact that organizational health requires both the organization as a whole and the individuals who make up the organization to be “healthy”. This requires a delicate balancing of the interests of the organizational members and the organization itself or else the interests of one would end up being enhanced at the expense of those of the other. This balancing act cannot escape influence from the cultural heritage of the family and the community at large. Thus the uneven scores found for the different dimensions measured in the study may be the result of differences in interests as affected by cultural orientations of the founders, the potential successors and the non-family workers. For example, as the study observes, there may be a conflict between the collectivist orientation of the founder and the western-influenced more individualistic one of the potential successor.
When the object of study is complicated by the presence of a second organization—the family—the subject becomes interesting and challenging indeed. Now, the situation studied involves conflicts between interests of the family firm as an organization, the family as another organization, the individual family members working in the business, the individual family members not working in the business, and the non-family workers of the firm. As a result of the complexities, the conclusions made in the study are going to be controversial. First, this is because they will reflect the Chinese culture with respect to whose interests are more important. Second, arguments are needed to approach the truth. Thus, although controversy could be frustrating for family firms and their consultants, it excites researchers because it is where we live. So l believe that this report is going to receive a lot of attention from family business researchers in China. And researchers should thank Prof. Chen and his colleagues for leading us toward this very important, new, challenging and controversy prone topic of research.