1.3 Computer Components(计算机组件)
Mainboard/System board(主板),Memory(内存),CPU(中央处理器),Video adapter(视频适配器),Hard disk(硬盘),Multimedia(多媒体)。
1.3.1 System Board(主板)
System boards are almost as important as CPUs in computer system. If a CPU were a heart or a brain,a system board would be a blood vessel or nerve system. A CPU controlls and manages the whole system with the help of a system board.
A system board actually is the largest circuit board among computer components. There are many electronic elements, sockets, slots, and connects on it,which link CPU with peripherals together.
Key words:system board(主板),circuit board(电路板),socket(插座),slot(插槽),peripheral(外围设备)
PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnect外围组件互联(一种局部总线标准)
PCIE:PCI Express 高速的PCI
USB:Universal Serial Bus 英特尔公司开发的通用串行总线架构
IDE:Integrate Circuit Equipment 集成电路设备
AGP:Accelerated Graphics Port 高速图形接口
1.3.2 Memory(内存)
Your personal computer comes with a minimum of 8 gigabytes of memory or even more, depending on your system.
System memory is located on chips inside the computer,and is measured in bytes(the amount of storage needed to hold one character).
There are categories of system memory: Read Only Memory (ROM), and Random Access Memory(RAM). ROM contains programs and data that never change. This is the memory that initializes the computer when it is turned on. The information contained in ROM is permanent, and is not lost when the computer is turned off. By contrast, RAM is temporary storage for programs and data while they are being used by the computer. RAM is contained in memory components called Single Inline Memory Modules or SIMMs. It is volatile memory, which means that to retain its contents,it must be constantly refreshed by an electrical current.
Key words:gigabyte(吉字节),byte(字节),character(字符),ROM(只读存储器),RAM(随机存储器),initialize(初始化),turn on(开机),turn off(关机),SIMM(内存条),refresh(刷新)
ValueRAM DDR3 1333台式机内存
DIMM(Dual In-line Memory
SIMM:Single In-line Memory Module,指72线的内存条,数据通道宽度为32位,带有奇偶校验的则为36位,通常使用DRAM;也有的SIMM使用SDRAM,其速度比DRAM类型的更快,但由于其数据宽度为64位,需成对使用。另外,目前多使用线的内存条,称为DIMM(Dual In-line Memory Module),其数据宽度是64位,一条DIMM内存条相当于两条SIMM,所以可单条使用。
1.3.3 CPU(Central Processing Unit,中央处理器)
The CPU means the central processing unit. It is the heart of the computer system. The CPU in a microcomputer is actually one relatively small integrated circuit or chip. Although most CPU chips are smaller than a lens of a pair of glasses, the electronic components they contain would have filled a room a few decades ago. Using advanced microelectronics techniques,manufacturers can cram tens of thousands of circuits into tiny layered silicon chips that work dependably and use less power.
This is where all calculations and manipulations of the data are carried out: it could be considered the“brain” of the computer. The CPU is contained on a tiny integrated circuit or “microchip” that carries a large number of minute electronic circuits.
There are three main areas in the CPU: the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the main storage of “memory”.
Key words:integrated circuit(集成电路),control unit(控制单元),ALU(运算器)
AMD is another CPU brand, which has become very important. Their Pentium-like chips offered Intel tight competition. AMD used their own technologies, hence they are not clones.
CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器,在大型计算机上CPU是由主存储器、控制部件、算术逻辑部件等若干单元电路板构成的。在个人计算机上,CPU是集成于一块芯片上的,称作微处理器(microprocessor或processor)。通常,CPU和microprocessor或processor可以互换使用。CPU主要有两大部分:算术—逻辑部件(Arithmetic Logic Unit,ALU)负责算术及逻辑运算;控制部件(Control Unit)负责指令的存取、解码及执行。
1.3.4 Video Adapter(视频适配器)
Video adapters are also called video cards,video boards, video display boards, graphics cards,and graphics adapters.
Video adapter is a board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities.The display capabilitiy of a computer, however,depends on both the logical circuitry (provided in the video adapter) and the display monitor. A monochrome monitor, for example, cannot display colors no matter how powerful the video adapter is.
Many different types of video adapters are available for PCs. Most conform to one of the video standards defined by IBM or VESA.
Modern video adapters contain memory, so that the computer’s RAM is not used for storing displays. In addition, most adapters have their own graphics coprocessor for performing graphics calculations. These adapters are often called graphics accelerators.
Key words:video adapter(视频适配器),video card(显卡),graphics card(显卡),logical circuitry(逻辑电路),monochrome monitor(单色显示器),coprocessor(协处理器),graphics accelerator(图形加速器)
Video Card
1.3.5 Hard Disk(硬盘)
The hard disk drive in your system is the “data center” of the PC. It is here that all of your programs and data are stored between the occasions that you use the computer. Your hard disk (or disks) are the most important ones of the various types of permanent storage used in PCs (the others being floppy disks and other storage media such as CD-ROMs, tapes,removable drives, etc.) The hard disk differs from the
others primarily in three ways: size (usually larger),speed (usually faster) and permanence (usually fixed in the PC and not removable).
A single hard disk usually consists of several platters. Each platter requires two read/write heads, one for each side. All the read/write heads are attached to a single access arm so that they cannot move independently.Each platter has the same number of tracks, and a track location that cuts across all platters is called a cylinder.
With the development of technology, Solid State Drives(SSD)arises at the historic moment. A solid-state drive is a data storage device using integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently. SSDs have no moving mechanical components. This distinguishes them from traditional electromechanical magnetic disks such as hard disk drives (HDDs) or floppy disks. SSDs have the same function, definition and method of use as Hard Disk Drive (HDD). Compared with HDDs, SSDs are typically more resistant to physical shock, run silently, and have lower access time and lower latency,lower noise performance, handiness, wide temperature sensitive and so on. But SSDs are expensive. They have relative smaller capacity and shorter lifespan. At present, the mechanical hard disk storage capacity can reach T level. But now the mainstream capacity of SSD is 120G or 240G.of course.there are also 500G.of course, SSDs have the capacity of 1T, but the high price is not acceptable to ordinary users.
Hard Disk
常见硬盘品牌:希捷(Seagate)、西部数据(Western Digital)、日立(Hitachi)、三星(SAMSUNG)、东芝(TOSHIBA)、联想(ThinkPad)、IBM、富士通(FUJITSU)、英特尔(Intel)、英睿达(Crucial)、金士顿(Kingston)等。
Key words: hard disk(磁盘),data center(数据中心),permanent storage(永久性存储器),floppy disk(软磁盘),CD-ROM(只读光盘),tape(磁带),access(存取),track(磁轨),cylinder(柱面)
1.3.6 Multimedia(多媒体)
Probably, several years ago, you may say proudly: “I’ve got a multimedia computer”. Actually you meant that you had a wonderful multi-function PC. You can not only process files or data, but furthermore can listen to music, watch cartoons, play games or even talk to the computer.That's the idea of the buzzword multimedia. Now it has been the basic technology adopted on every computer.
In fact, multimedia is a kind of technology, or more accurately a combination of technologies. It’s not a simple product, like your computer. It involves text,audio sound, static graphic images, animations, and full-motion video.Multimedia may use some or all of these aspects of communication. Text in a multimedia application makes it more understandable, and can display information related to a certain topic. Animation refers to moving graphics images, which is more vivid to illustrate concepts concerning movements than static graphics images, which provide many “still pictures”.Audio sound can be of several formats: Windows wave file, Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI for short. Full-motion video refers to the video got from an external input, like a video camera, and stored on the hard disk. It adds powerful message to multimedia application. These are the basic elements of multimedia.Every combination of two or more elements makes a multimedia application.
Key words:multimedia(多媒体),technology(技术),product(产品,产物),application(应用,应用程序,应用软件),animation(动画),graphics image(图形图像),picture(图画),audio(音频n,声音的adj),sound(声音),MIDI(数码音响),video(视频n,影像的adj),video camera(视频照相机)
视频、音频输入设备:摄像机(vidicon)、录像机(video cassette recorder)、扫描仪(scanner)、传真机(electrograph)、数字相机(figure camera)、话筒(mike)等。
人机交互设备:键盘(keyboard)、鼠标(mouse)、触摸屏(touch screen)、绘图板(drawing table)、光笔(lightpen)及手写输入设备(input equipment)等。