2.1 Booting the Computer(启动计算机)
Whenever you turn on your computer, the first thing you see is the BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)software which is running. On many machines, the BIOS displays text describing things like the amount of memory installed in your computer, the type of hard disk and so on. It turns out that, during this booting, the BIOS is doing a remarkable amount of work to get your computer ready to run.This section briefly describes some of those activities for a typical PC.
After checking the CMOS Setup and loading the interrupt handlers, the BIOS determines whether the video card is operational. Most video cards have a miniature BIOS of their own that initializes the memory and graphics processor on the card. If they do not, there is usually video driver information on another ROM on the motherboard that the BIOS can load.
Next, the BIOS checks to see if this is a cold boot or a reboot. It does this by checking the value at memory address 0000:0472. A value of 1234h indicates a reboot,and the BIOS skips the rest of POST. Anything else is considered a cold boot.
If it is a cold boot, the BIOS verifies RAM by performing a read/write test of each memory address.It checks the PS/2 ports or USB ports for a keyboard and a mouse. It looks for a peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus. If it finds one, it checks all the PCI cards. If the BIOS finds any errors during the POST, it will notify you by a series of beeps or a text message displayed on the screen. An error at this point is almost always a hardware problem.
The BIOS then displays some details about your system. This typically includes information about:
·The processor
·The floppy driver and hard driver
·BIOS revision and date
Any special drivers, such as the ones for small computer system interface (SCSI) adapters, are loaded from the adapter, and the BIOS displays the information.The BIoS then looks at the sequence of storage devices identified as boot devices in the CMOS Setup.
Boot the Computer
Key words: BIOS(基本输入输出系统),install(安装,安置),boot(启动),remarkable(不同寻常的),briefly(暂时地,简要地)
Key words:CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体),interrupt handlers(中断处理程序),miniature(微型的),graphic(图形的),ROM(只读存储器),POST(加电自检程序),RAM(随机存储器),USB(通用串型总线),peripheral(外围的),component(成分),interconnect(使互相连接),PCI(互连外围设备),interface(接口),SCSI(小型计算机系统接口),adapter(适配器)
PS/2: A lot of brand machines use PS/2 interface to connect the mouse and keyboard. The PS/2 interface is different from the traditional keyboard interface in the interface appearance and pins, while in data transfer format they are the same. Now many motherboard with the PS/2 interface socket is connected with the keyboard. The keyboard can be achieved by traditional interface PS/2 interface converter connected to the motherboard PS/2 interface socket. 很多品牌机上采用PS/2接口来连接鼠标和键盘。PS/2接口与传统的键盘接口在接口外形和引脚是不同的,然而在数据传送格式上是相同的。现在很多主板用PS/2接口插座连接键盘,传统接口的键盘可以通过PS/2接口转换器连接主板PS/2接口插座。
“Boot” is short for “bootstrap”, as in an old saying, “Lift yourself up by your bootstraps”.Boot refers to the process of launching the operating system. The BIOS will try to initiate the boot sequence from the first device. If the BIOS does not find a device, it will try the next device in the list. If it does not find the proper files on a device, the startup process will halt. If you have ever left a floppy disk in the drive when you restarted your computer, you have probably seen this message.
The BIOS has tried to boot the computer with ignoring the floppy disk left in the drive. Since it cannot find the correct system files, it can not continue. Of course, this is an easy fix. Simply take out the disk and press a key to continue.
Key words: bootstrap(自举程序),Lift yourself up by your bootstraps(自举),ignore(忽视),floppy disk(软盘)