Exercise 18
Unit 1
1.常规 n.例行公事的 adj.__________
2.吵闹的;捣乱的 adj.__________
3.似橡胶的,有弹性的 adj.__________
4.基础的;未充分发展的 adj.__________
5.悲伤的;悔恨的 adj.__________
6.凸凹不平的;崎岖的 adj.__________
7.毁坏,破坏 n./v.__________
8.反刍动物 n.反刍的 adj.__________
9.迅速移动 v.冲;匆忙 n.__________
10.乡村的;淳朴的 adj.__________
11.无情的;残忍的 adj.__________
12.蓄意破坏;刻意阻碍 n./v.__________
13.神圣的,受尊重的 adj.__________
14.精明练达的;洞察事理的 adj.__________
15.睿智的 adj.智者 n.__________
16.显著的,突出的 adj.__________
17.含盐的,咸的 adj.__________
18.清洁而有益健康的 adj.__________
19.有益的(尽管往往让人不愉快) adj.
20.营救 v.抢救 n.__________
21.解救途径;得救 n.__________
22.装作圣洁的;伪善的 adj.__________
23.庇护所,避难所 n.__________
24.密室;圣所 n.__________
25.神志清楚的;明智的 adj.__________
26.乐观的;充满信心的 adj.__________
27.卫生的,清洁的 adj.__________
28.(植物体内运送养分的)液 n.削弱 v.
29.讽刺的;嘲讽的 adj.__________
30.腻烦的;充分满足的 adj.__________
31.讽刺 v.__________
32.浸湿,浸透 v.__________
33.严肃而令人畏惧的 adj.__________
34.规模;等级 n.攀登 v.__________
35.不足的,欠缺的 adj.__________
36.不足,缺乏 n.__________
37.猩红的,鲜红的 adj.__________
1.在初级阶段 in the__________stage
3.生理盐水 normal__________
4.有益健康的运动 a__________exercise
5.避难 take__________
6.大规模地 on a large__________
7.水短缺 water__________
8.拟定计划 propose a__________
11.对某事敏锐的 be__________to sth.
15.破败不堪 in__________
security rudimentary rush sanctuary sanitary
1.New staffs were given only__________at the beginning of their work.新员工在工作之初只接受了最基本的训练。
2.Having just published his fourth novel in an almost 40-year career, Gaddis describes himself, with some understatement, as a writer who has never been__________to get into print.加迪斯刚刚出版了他在近40年职业生涯中的第4部小说,他谦逊地形容自己是一个从来都不急于将作品出版的作家。
3.Hunters are forbidden from hunting in__________of this region.狩猎者被禁止在这一带的野生动物保护区捕猎。
4.People living in the district suffered from appalling__________.住在这一区域的人们忍受着奇差的卫生条件。
5.Such insurance plan can offer your families__________in the event of the loss of properties.这种保险计划可以在财产损失的情况下向你的家人提供经济保障。
Unit 2
1.觅食;吃(动物尸体) v.__________
2.风景优美的;舞台布景的 adj.__________
3.略图的;有章法的 adj.__________
4.阴谋;(作品等)体系;方案 n.__________
5.教会分裂;分裂 n.__________
6.轻蔑,鄙视 n./v.__________
7.冲刷;四处搜查 v.__________
8.祸害 n.折磨,鞭笞 v.__________
9.攀登;争抢 v./n.__________
10.散乱的;不整洁的 adj.__________
11.(道德上的)顾忌,顾虑 n.__________
12.恪守道德规范的 adj.__________
13.仔细检查;细致审查 v.__________
14.雕刻;雕塑 v.__________
15.雕刻的;雕刻般的 adj.__________
16.使隔离,使隐居 v.__________
17.隐居;与世隔绝 n.__________
18.宗派主义 n.__________
19.世俗的,现世的 adj.__________
20.保护措施;安全 n.__________
21.镇静的;庄重的 adj.__________
22.镇静的 adj.镇静剂 n.__________
23.久坐不动的;定居的 adj.__________
24.沉积的,沉淀形成的 adj.__________
25.诱人的;迷人的 adj.__________
26.孜孜不倦的;勤勉的 adj.__________
27.部分;片;段 n.__________
28.分离,隔离 v.__________
29.地震的;地震引起的 adj.__________
30.自我吹捧 n.__________
31.自我分析 n.__________
32.自信的;胸有成竹的 adj.__________
33.自信的 adj.__________
34.难为情的;刻意的 adj.__________
35.自我贬低的;自谦的 adj.__________
36.自我贬低 n.__________
37.自主权,自决权 n.__________
1.routine pristine clandestine null roundabout customary
2.ruddy rudimentary complementary basic fragmentary frantic
3.ruffle ruin sprain demolish vanquish relinquish
4.ruthless restless feckless cruel crucial cynic
5.scared inspired measured diverse sacred divine
6.sagacious egregious fastidious precise wise concise
Group 1
1.scheme a.to keep sb.away from contact with other people
2.scour b.a plan or system for doing or organizing something
3.scourge c.careful about paying attention to every detail
4.scrupulous d.to search a place or thing thoroughly
5.seclude e.to cause trouble or suffering to somebody
Group 2
1.scrutinize a.showing great care and effort in your work
2.secular b.slow, calm and relaxed
3.sedate c.to keep one thing separate from another
4.sedulous d.not connected with spiritual or religious matters
5.segregate e.to look at or examine sb./sth.carefully
Unit 3
1.自我怀疑 n.__________
2.谦逊 n.__________
3.自制;镇静 n.__________
4.自我实现 n.__________
5.自以为正直 n.__________
6.自我牺牲 n.__________
7.自给自足的;自立的 adj.__________
8.半熔化的 adj.__________
9.影响深远的,有重大意义的 adj.__________
10.敏感的 adj.__________
11.敏感,敏感性 n.__________
12.使敏感;使意识到 v.__________
13.感觉的,感官的 adj.__________
14.有感觉能力的;有知觉的 adj.__________
15.带着感情色彩描述好的方面 v.__________
16.使分开 v.独自的 adj.__________
17.腐败性的;脓毒性的 adj.__________
18.按次序的;顺序的 adj.__________
19.扣押;隔离(以避免陪审团与公众接触) v.__________
20.巧事;机缘凑巧 n.__________
21.平静的,安详的 adj.__________
22.平静 n.__________
23.连续的,连载的 adj.__________
24.认真,严肃;严重 n.__________
25.锯齿状的 adj.__________
26.能用的 adj.__________
27.奴性的,恭顺的 adj.__________
28.稳定的;舒适自在的 adj.__________
29.浅;浅薄 n.__________
30.变得锋利;使敏锐 v.__________
31.破碎,粉碎 v.__________
32.流(眼泪等);脱落 v.__________
33.壳 n.剥去…的壳 v.__________
34.遮蔽的;受庇护的 adj.__________
35.变动的;运动的 adj.__________
36.没志气的;不思上进的 adj.__________
37.有光泽的;发光的 adj.__________
38.浅滩;鱼群 n.__________
1.自然保护区 nature a.ware
2.卫生洁具 sanitary b.waves
3.成比例,相称 in c.income
4.镇静剂 sedative d.scale
5.沉积岩 sedimentary e.instrument
6.震波 seismic f.solution
7.固定收入 settled g.sanctuary
8.灵敏的仪器 sensitive h.drugs
9.盐溶液 saline i.rock
separate secular sensitivity sedentary segregate
1.Mexico is a__________and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican.墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。
2.Noting the murder victim's flaccid musculature and pearlike figure, she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some__________.她注意到这个被谋杀的受害人松弛的肌肉和梨形身材,于是推测这个不幸的人靠某种久坐的职业来谋生。
3.It is necessary to__________two groups of fans in the stadium, in case of unnecessarily fight after the game.为防止赛后不必要的争斗,将体育场的两部分球迷隔开是非常必要的。
4.The successful reconstruction of an archaeological site requires scientific knowledge as well as__________.成功重建一个考古遗址需要科学知识和文化敏感性。
5.Horse-powered threshing machines to__________from the plants were already in general use.把种子从植物上分离的马力脱粒机已经得到了普遍应用。
Unit 4
1.在商店摆放旧了的;陈旧的 adj.__________
2.近程的;近期的 adj.__________
3.无远见的;近视的 adj.__________
4.目光短浅;近视 n.__________
5.(使)枯萎;干枯 v.__________
6.耸肩 v./n.__________
7.洗牌;拖着脚走 v.__________
8.避免,回避 v.__________
9.使(火车)转轨;调往 v.__________
10.兄弟或姊妹 n.__________
11.视力;视野 n.__________
12.意义重大的;意味深长的 adj.__________
13.过分简单化的 adj.__________
14.模拟;冒充 n.__________
15.真诚的,坦率的 adj.__________
16.真诚 n.__________
17.独特;奇怪 n.__________
18.蜿蜒的,弯曲有致的 adj.__________
19.怀疑的;多疑的 adj.__________
20.素描;草图 n.画草图 v.__________
21.歪曲;偏离 v.__________
22.节省,吝惜(时间、钱) v.__________
23.吝啬鬼;铁公鸡 n.__________
24.诽谤的 adj.__________
25.砍,劈;大量削减 v.__________
26.盲从的;照搬的 adj.__________
27.似泥浆的;谄媚的 adj.__________
28.滑溜;光滑 n.__________
29.马虎的,敷衍了事的 adj.__________
30.倾斜的,有坡度的 adj.__________
31.懒散的,怠惰的 adj.__________
32.衣冠不整的,邋遢的 adj.__________
33.缓慢的,迟缓的 adj.__________
34.闷熄;覆盖;使窒息 v.__________
35.沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的 adj.__________
36.一小条(消息);一小段 n.__________
37.势利态度(或行为) n.__________
38.冷落,怠慢 v.__________
1.saturate diffuse soak sober spark vibrate
2.scarcity opacity velocity shortage foliage patronage
3.scorn allay exempt prompt contempt adorn
4.scrupulous credulous pitiless frivolous perilous meticulous
5.sedate desolate unbiased moderate unhurried unqualified
6.seductive impassive pensive affirmative repulsive attractive
Group 1
1.shun a.showing what you really think or feel
2.sibling b.large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed
3.significant c.the act of pretending that something is real when it is not
4.simulation d.to avoid deliberately
5.sincere e.a brother or sister
Group 2
1.singularity a.to reduce sharply
2.sketch b.false and defamatory
3.slanderous c.lazy
4.slash d.a brief description or outline
5.slothful e.the quality of something that makes it unusual or strange