Unit 4 Verbal Communication(ⅠⅠ)
Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to?
—— Clarence Darrow
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
—— Rudyard Kipling
Unit Goals
· To understand how language and culture are closely linked
· To learn to make intercultural comparisons of different pragmatic rules used in various speech acts
· To discuss how superficial behaviors are related to the cultural assumptions of the speakers
· To learn useful words and expressions about verbal communication and improve language skills
Before You Read

Compliments are an expression of praise, respect, or approval. How will Chinese and American respond to the following compliments respectively? Then role-play these situations with your partner in the class.

You may find there is a huge difference between Chinese and English compliments. What do you think may be the cultural root of this difference?
Start to Read