4 结语
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Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Enterprise's IT Proj ect
ZHAO Limei1,2, ZHANG Qingpu1, WU Guoqiu2
(1.School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;2.Information Management School, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China)
Abstract IT project in enterprises is a common principal-agent relation, and the enterprises may have two information behaviors—adverse selection and moral hazard in this relationship.This paper first analyses the adverse selection situation from the viewpoint of Lemon Theory which is one of the famous information-asymmetry theories and then elaborates it.Against the enterprises'moral hazard representation in the activity, its causes are analyzed from the viewpoint of information economics.At last the proposed countermeaures will constrain the information behaviors of the two parties—enterprises and software suppliers in the IT project activity.
Key words IT project, Adverse selection, Moral hazard